Daughters Of Khaine Pdf Free Download

  • Fantasy find - Found this chap in a charity shop today for £8.50. I immediately saw his potential as a giant for fantasy gaming. A very reasonable price I thought, not...

    1 hour ago

  • INSTANT WHIP, INSTANT BLISS - As a nipper I worshipped Instant Whip. Bird's had struck gold with this powdered pudding. I couldn't get enough of it. Creamy, dreamy and especially f...

    1 hour ago

  • Instructions For A Naval Landing Party - Vintage Wargaming has some scans of instructions for 1910 era naval landing parties. It's a nice look at the world back then — and gave me some interesting...

    1 hour ago

  • Historicon 2021: Ramses II, The Battle of Kadesh - I ran the Battle of Kadesh Saturday AM; here the initial chariot ambush by the Hittites pveruns most of Division Re, as expected. . We had 5 players wh...

    2 hours ago

  • Willie French Guns - I have been enjoying refurbishing these. Using one of the GW "Technical" paints for the verdigris on the gun barrels. *Not too far off the mark for la Val...

    2 hours ago

  • New Video Time and More Barons War - Its been a couple of weeks or so since I last uploaded a video to my YouTube channel so here it is. My latest video is my latest collection of The Barons...

    4 hours ago

  • Ground Level Pictures - More Drama From Your Camera - *French Cuirassiers du Roi (Minden Miniatures)* Click on all pictures for an even more dramatic view) When I think about all of the pictures of wargam...

    5 hours ago

  • Playing Black Powder Cavalry - Marshal Grant and I have been developing a few select House Rules for how we play *Black Powder *games with Napoleonics in mind. One which we have been w...

    5 hours ago

  • MiG Alley Yalu River Terrain - As I couldn't use the kitchen table for my *MiG Alley* night fighter game at the weekend I used the time instead to make a four foot length of modular...

    6 hours ago

  • Saipan-Sugar Rush (5) - Last night, we had our 6th turn in the Saipan campaign, but only the 5th turn on the campaign clock. This was "The Probe" scenario from the main rulebook...

    7 hours ago

  • TEIXIDO: TOREROS , A PORTA GAYOLA - Ya hemos hablado aquí en varias ocasiones de las extraordinarias series de tauromaquia de Teixido. La pose que vemos hoy, ha sido vuelta a construir ...

    7 hours ago

  • Opening the Black Box - Inside the Turkish Military - Those of us interested in military history, particularly wargamers, tend to focus on the equipment, organisation, and tactics of the armies we study. We...

    8 hours ago

  • RedBox British Dragoons reviewed - New review of the RedBox set 'British Dragoons 1745'.

    8 hours ago

  • The Tyrant Attacks (Midgard play test) - James Morris kindly sent me a copy of his WIP Midgard rule set to play out, it is extensive and meant for fantasy and historical battles, Very well lai...

    8 hours ago

  • Daily Chronicle: Cruisehammer 2022 August 7th-14th - Last week I came across an event that I never knew had existed, the Cruisehammer event has been going on since 2016, but the last few years it has been ca...

    8 hours ago

  • Germanic punch! - Some more backlog of finished units for the blog with a unit of fanatics and a couple units of slingers to support the German warriors mobs for my Inf...

    9 hours ago

  • Movement and a Lull - Long range fire support. Infantryman with assault rifle. The British return fire. The Tommys redeploy. A short lull in the fighting.

    10 hours ago

  • Wars and soldiers in the early reign of Louis XIV Volume 5 the Portuguese army 1639-1690 Bruno Mugnai - An exciting addition to a successful series. Covering the birth of the modern Portuguese army through its wars with Spain and their colonial actions dur...

    10 hours ago

  • Jengaaa! - In the (no doubt temporary) absence of any meaningful numbers of mid c.16th miniatures in the BigRedBatCave, I've been mocking up a couple of armies fro...

    11 hours ago

  • Spanish warship in Cartagena - Cartagena is one of the Spanish Navy's main naval bases, and during our recent cruise to Iberia, I had the opportunity to photograph several of the warsh...

    15 hours ago

  • Donnybrook - 25mm Polish Pancerni - For the Challenge this year I plan to paint up a Polish/Imperialist Donnybrook force to take on the Ottoman Turks I painted in Challenge 11. After a ...

    15 hours ago

  • Scratch Building Walls - Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy issue 117 - Issue 117 of *Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy* (Nov/Dec 2021) has an article written by me showing how I scratch built a series of rough stone walls for us...

    16 hours ago

  • WSS Artillery - British and French - Just scraped in before the end of the month, my artillery for the War of Spanish Succession, The figures are a mix of the new Strelets sets plus some Zvezd...

    16 hours ago

  • Interruptions Always Interruptions - The first couple of turns have been played, reinforcements have begun to appear, and Federation scouts are discovering that the recent rains have raised...

    20 hours ago

  • Messerschmitt Me 262 - This Messerschmitt Me 262 was on display at RAF Cosford. The Messerschmitt Me 262 was the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft. Design ...

    22 hours ago

  • 85. OG Reaper Bones - I finally got around to painting some of the first generation of Reaper Bones, from their original Kickstarter waaaay back in 2012 (delivered in 2014). An...

    1 day ago

  • I am a robot - I go beep beep beep beep bop (probably, it's been a while since my daughter has tried to explain the song stuck in her head that goes like that, to my ab...

    1 day ago

  • November Hobby Roundup - A busy month but other than the separate Shamrock Cup report there wasn't much on the Hobby front, having moved job/house once again and relocated the Ma...

    1 day ago

  • The Battle of Zwettl – The Game - I have to confess that I was pretty confident going into this game that the French would be able to hold off the Allies whilst gaining at least one of th...

    1 day ago

  • Flags of yet another unknown Austrian regiment of Charles VI, as probably carried in the 1740s by the army of Maria Theresa - The top flag is taken from the contemporary source showing Austrian flags as carried in the 1740s. The bottom two are hypothetical but quite possible *Le...

    1 day ago

  • Marcus Aurelius, Omar Khayyam and a New Beginning - *Two of my favourite non military books - highly recommended for resetting one's perspective on life* As we stare down the barrel of the fast approaching...

    1 day ago

  • Getting to Grip with Honours of War - Hello friends: As I've said here recently, the SYW painting muse has captured my attention lately, and her sister muse of SYW gaming paid a visit recentl...

    1 day ago

  • Horsch Car and German support - ... I knocked out some additional forces for my WW2 Germans, after an actual game, in which it became apparent they were actually too well provisioned ...

    1 day ago

  • Finally a correct set for our Fröschwiler/Wörth project - You know as a Bavarian I was deeply shocked by Massimo's last work on the Bavarians. Now he made a set much more to my liking:-) The next one w...

    1 day ago

  • The Яussians Are Coming! The Яussians Are Coming! - And yes, I do know that the Cyrillic R is actually a P, but I couldn't resist using the old movie title. Over the past several months, I've been experi...

    1 day ago

  • Volley and Bayonet: The Battle of Oberbratwurst; Turns 2 and 3 - * The Battle of Oberbratwurst continues:* *Turn 2: Franco-Bavarians. With the threat to my left flank from the Imperial cavalry, I decided to commit my s...

    1 day ago

  • Caesar Awards 2022 - The Little Wars TV people promote a set of awards for You Tube videos and websites. You can vote for your favourites here: Caesar Awards 2022. It would ...

    1 day ago

  • Omicron And On – DORK TOWER 01.12.21 - DORK TOWER uploads three times a week, thanks to its generous PATREON supporters! The goal is five strips a week! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today, and...

    1 day ago

  • Retrospective: Mayday - These days, I find myself missing the late, great Game Designers' Workshop a lot. Maybe it's the recent release of a new edition of *Twilight: 2000 *by F...

    1 day ago

  • A Pummelling At Pendeheim - Gaming returned to OHQ today with a 1945 game using Battlegroup rules, a Volksgrenadier platoon with armoured support was holding the outskirts of Pende...

    2 days ago

  • Another piece of junk - Here's another quick and dirty terrain piece for *Stargrave *and other 28mm sci fi games. This one came from a Girl Scout candy box (dark chocolate caram...

    2 days ago

  • Stockton Battleground (2021): Battle of Britain "Double Blind Game" - *Stockton Battleground Wargames Show 2021* Cinderella you shall go to the "ball" (well it is actually a "wargames show"). Myself and fellow wargamer Ian to...

    2 days ago

  • Israeli Armoured Recon unit part 1 - Israeli Armoured recon unit Next addition to my Israeli army for my Arab-Israeli war collection is a recon platoon of 10 figs, I also plan to add three...

    2 days ago

  • Sharp Practice Big Game - Haiti 1800 - After the recent Mexican Game, I thought I would look to get all of the Haitian mini's on to the table top, in order to make it fit we opted for Toussain...

    2 days ago

  • Crucible Crush - Nice Minis, Once You Get Them... - Late in 2019, a new line of miniatures was teased by the redoubtable Bob Murch, of Pulp Miniatures. Originally at home on the Pulp Miniatures page, the Bla...

    2 days ago

  • Siberian Army Photos - These are some period photos of Admiral Kolchak's forces in Siberia. This first one is the most commonly found in a web search, showing a very ragged and...

    2 days ago

  • Seaside fun - I had a spare ball of green stuff today and so I used it to try out some ideas. The green stuff was split up and pressed on to small stones. Then I used ...

    2 days ago

  • Coming off the bench! - Thought I'd squeeze one more quick post in, on the recovery to health the last two weeks has also seen me trying to clear what's on the bench. Although ...

    2 days ago

  • <> Alexa Ranks <> - Hello Get top Alexa ranks https://www.creative-digital.co/product/alexa-rank-service/ Regards Creative Digital Team Unsubscribe: https://mgd...

    2 days ago

  • Dwarf Comparison - Somebody asked if I would post a photo of the Crooked Dice dwarf alongside others from my collection. Thinking that others might find this useful, and to s...

    2 days ago

  • Winds of Change - It's a bit of a tradition, the pre-event army post. This one is GOATCON. A little 14 person Warhammer Fantasy Battle 6th edition tournament this coming...

    2 days ago

  • U is for Unknown Russian Kids Fantasy Figures? - These are fun, and if any of the Russian or Russian-speaking loyal readers from the former Soviet Bloc can fill us in on them, even a decent link to a Wiki...

    2 days ago

  • Austrians - so many options! - As I may have mentioned in a previous post, a friend in the States ran into some issues recently with a project and I offered to help out. As a result ...

    2 days ago

  • November Games - Part II - Didn't get in QUITE as many games in the second two weeks of November as we did in the first two.. but still... games were played. Fun was had. *T**h...

    2 days ago

  • A Day of Lard - Canadian Lardies have been knocking about the idea of a Too Fat Lardies themed games day for a couple of years. Saturday one finally happened thanks to t...

    2 days ago

  • Battle Report: The Vampyr Of The Riding - Last weekend, I had the privilege and pleasure of playing one of the most enjoyable games of Warhammer Fantasy Battle I've ever played. And I have play...

    3 days ago

  • M-113 bodges - batch 3 - See this earlier post about the previous batch of M-113. This batch was prompted by the arrival (some months ago if truth be told) of some turrets kindl...

    3 days ago

  • Woodscrew Armies Campaign: The Chinese Offensive - Union reinforcements: 17th Brigade, 5th Army, Brig-Genl J. A. Early commanding Situation Strategic Situation July 24, 1889 'The Almighty blessed our arms...

    3 days ago

  • Two more RPG Bundle offers - Paranoia - Two revived Bundle of Holding offers for the *Paranoia* RPG - one is the version published by Mongoose in 2004, the other their 2019 relaunch *Paranoia 2...

    3 days ago

  • The East Watch Beacon Is Lit! - Rumours are constant on the frontier. Few are true but none can be ignored so the garrison at Eastford has been on alert for a week. A call for reinforce...

    3 days ago

  • What if: Vimeiro 1808 - For my first 'historical' Peninsular battle scenario, I have chosen Vimeiro 1808. I've chosen it partly because I have enough figures to do it (at my cho...

    3 days ago

  • Star Wars Legion Probot and Snowtrooper Squad from Wargames3D - So the Battle of Hoth Star wars Legion project draws near to its close, as I've now received and painted some 3D prints from licensed printer Wargames3D ...

    3 days ago

  • Booster Day, hip hip hooray. - Last week was a strange one for me. I finally received my booster and then later the same day John and I fought a 240 point Never Mind the Billhooks ...

    3 days ago

  • More Death Fields Raumjager - What's this? Painted miniatures? I've gotten a bit out of this aspect of the hobby, but hoped to get it fired back up again. Why did things stall out? Beca...

    3 days ago

  • French Knights for Patay (III) - Some more progress - Étienne de Vignolles and another kastenbrust. Etienne de Vignolles appears to be the primary leader of the French mounted vanguar...

    3 days ago

  • Adeptus Titanicus – God Engines Awake - Bat Rep1 Part 2 - After a bit of a delay we got back to finishing our game. During the interlude we did find some cotton balls. The cotton did work as a damage marker bu...

    3 days ago

  • French & Indian War Colonial Provincials - Finished this box of Colonial Provincial infantry. These 28mm metal figs are from Warlord Games. They painted up nice and quickly. Good figs overall that ...

    4 days ago

  • Chariot-mounted thegns for the Red King - Finding myself with a little unexpected time on my hands this weekend I focused my attention on the three Warp[loque] Miniatures beastfolk chariots I've h...

    4 days ago

  • Dark Age Vikings - My daughters and I have continued to work on our Dark Age project. This ship's crew of Vikings will make a fitting opponent for our Saxons!12 Archers25 Wa...

    4 days ago

  • #WargameWednesday – First Bulge: Impressions of The Battle of the Bulge by Charles S. Roberts from Avalon Hill, 1965 - I recently scored a "veteran" players copy of The Battle of the Bulge by commercial wargaming pioneer Charles S. Roberts and published by The Avalon Hill C...

    4 days ago

  • San Giovese : a Lion Rampant scenario for the RECON show - My apologies for the lack of posts over the last month, it is not that we haven't met for games, more a question of lacking the 'muse' to help with the r...

    4 days ago

  • 55 Days at Peking (1963) full movie - 55 Days at Peking (1963) A Sunday matinee from the old days. Pretty outdated now. 55 Days at Peking is a 1963 American epic historical war film dramatizi...

    4 days ago

  • Reading time and making more - Reading, both for research and just for entertainment, can easily be pushed aside by Social Media and other distractions. It could even be argued that purs...

    4 days ago

  • Cuidad Real Campaign - Day 5 - *25 April 1813 – Southern Spain – Day 5* Spanish guerrilla activity has caused a collapse in the French supply system. Marshal Suchet orders 13th and ...

    4 days ago

  • Played a game of 40K - My first in seven years, Nurgle be praised!

    4 days ago

  • Mésaventure au Mexique - Kevin Smyth has had a large and growing pile of 28mm Maximilian in Mexico figures for decades. It started back sometime in the 90s(!) when we had a few C...

    5 days ago

  • Hail Caesar Objective Marker - Druid With Roman Spoils - Used some left-over/spare stuff to make an objective marker for an upcoming Hail Caesar game. The figure and imago are from Warlord Games and the shields...

    5 days ago

  • For the Mahdi - A little more progress on my colonial project. First up is 6 more irregulars with rifles to complete a second unit of Nile Arabs for the Mahdists. I ha...

    5 days ago

  • Modern Chinese Marines - Another Lockdown project, but yet to see the table....Modern Chinese Naval Infantry / Marines. When I saw the blue camouflage the Chinese were using I de...

    5 days ago

  • OMWB Something New Something Old - This last week I have been busy writing Big Little Wars. Roaring along with 3,250 new words added to the running total of 28,456 words. But still a fa...

    5 days ago

  • 54mm AWI Loyalists - I've been grinding away on some reinforcements for my 54mm AWI Brits and I finally finished these 12 guys. Big figures take forever! There is both a lot ...

    5 days ago

  • US Navy PC-461 Class - Another couple of evenings playing with 3D Builder have left me with this, a US Navy PC-461 class sub chaser which will work out at a shade under 90mm lo...

    5 days ago

  • 2 Yarthmont - Behind the Statue - After twenty minutes, Broneslav had eaten his fill and was feeling rested enough to continue, although the burns from the beetle's attach were very distrac...

    5 days ago

  • The Kaisers Battle - We've had a couple of games of the Pz8 WW1 rules now, and I wanted to try them out for a 1918 German style attack as we are getting the hang of them. I ...

    5 days ago

  • 28mm SYW Hessian 6pdr battery - Figures are Perry's Hessians from their AWI range and the guns are Prussian 6pdrs from Minden Miniatures.

    6 days ago

  • GURPS Nordlond Bestiary Kickstarter - Douglas Cole of Gaming Ballistic is having another GURPS related kickstarter. This time it is a bestiary for his Nordlond setting for the Dungeon Fantasy...

    6 days ago

  • Black Friday Postage Sale - Tekumel Club Postage Discount From now through to EOB Jan 1st all customers will get their Tekumel Club discount on postage as well as product. That is a...

    6 days ago

  • Dollar Store Tanks - Several years ago I posted some pix of the World War 2 Style tanks and trucks I have found at local dollar stores. http://dougssoldiers.blogspot.com/se...

    6 days ago

  • Black Friday Words of Wisdom - As you dare to go out and face the challenges of Black Friday, remember these important lessons... * Take plenty of hand sanitizer!* * the Men's room...

    6 days ago

  • Seven Nations of Canada in the Seven years war - There seems to be some ignorance about this subject. The wiki will explain. The book is excellent and ideal if you want more.

    6 days ago

  • Read Diet Analysis Plus 10.0 Free Download - Updated - Open diet analysis plus 10.0 free download. 999 if sold separately After your trial your monthly subscription will automatically continue at 999 each mon...

    6 days ago

  • 4D 8-Rad - The latest offerings from 4D Models consist of three 8-wheeled vehicles and one tracked vehicle. The first two kits are WWII German heavy armored cars. The...

    6 days ago

  • Galera xinesa - Chinese Galley Ortus Novae, escala 1/600 (=3mm) Més de 3 mesos sense penjar ni una sola foto!!! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaarededéu!! Doncs no, no m'ha passat res de do...

    1 week ago

  • Fury of the North 27 - A quick update on the very slow process being made on the Foundry Norman's as these two are finally based and finished for use. Looking forward to comp...

    1 week ago

  • Genestealer Cult - Corrupted Hierarch - Today we have a return to a favourite project of mine, the genestealer cult, or, in this case, the genestealer coven. This is an idea that goes back to...

    1 week ago

  • Dismounted Companions - or Hypaspists? Figures too nice not to use.. - A rather lightweight painting session to share this time, as a set of the rather lovely Xyston Theban Generals and Leaders pack finally makes it onto the...

    1 week ago

  • Reinforcements for the Sudan - A few figures for my gaming chum, Steve, to bring some exisiting units up to strength: a company of Royal Irish Rifles, a company of the Black Watch, an...

    1 week ago

  • Back for the first time in a long time. - Well, despite continuing to wargame on and off since my last post, I have been sorely remiss in posting up what I've been doing. I won't dissemble by sayin...

    1 week ago

  • Bounding Fire Blackpool Game 3 FT199 Playing Uno AAR - Game three was from LFT's Deluxe Pack FT199 Playing Uno. I have special interest in this pack as I supplied one of the scenarios for the pack as did my ...

    1 week ago

  • Building the Road to War: 6mm Modular Terrain Boards - Part 1 - I've been working on 6mm modular terrain tiles made from 1 inch thick XPS foam insulation board, and thought that I'd share the process. It was around a...

    1 week ago

  • cthulu rising - Another couple of recent buys for my pulp gaming ,a lovely resin 1/56 scale Scottish Trawler from anyscale models,bought few smaller craft as well for my u...

    1 week ago

  • Review of WoFun Miniatures - WoFun Games makes a series of miniatures where the picture of the soldier, cavalryman, artillery, etc. is printed onto a clear acrylic sheet and the figu...

    1 week ago

  • Steel Lard 2021 - On Saturday morning I got up early (but not too early) and made my way across the city to Jury's Inn Sheffield, the site of Steel Lard 2021. There were ...

    1 week ago

  • Sabots for Oathmark - . One of the good things that comes from spending fifty plus years in the wargaming hobby is that you build reserves of toys which you can repurpose and us...

    1 week ago

  • Mansions of Madness 2e - The Monsters - 'You can evade, but you can't hide!' You get 28 monster models in Fantasy Flight's Mansions of Madness 2e. This doesn't include the eight different investi...

    1 week ago

  • Wasteland Warriors mini campaign - We got together for a rare Saturday game to enjoy a few drinks, oh and game of *Fistful of Lead: Wasteland Warriors*. Four games were competing for scav...

    1 week ago

  • Conquest day 2 - *Game 4 v Rodney- Kingdoms of Men- Control* Rodney fielded a Kingdom's of Men army bult around a horde of knights and a horde of pike backed up by a c...

    1 week ago

  • The Quest for Dr. Luv, Where Heroes Dare! - A friend ran out last gaming night game which was a Pulp game set in South America. Players worked cooperatively, at first at least, with their 500 pt team...

    1 week ago

  • Sects and Thugs and Bosch and Troll - Apologies for the terrible pun in the title - it's not even entirely accurate as there's no Bosch I'm afraid... Read more »

    1 week ago

  • War of Liberation: 3/1° Fanteria di Linea & 3/4° Fanteria di Linea - Hi, my name is Steve and I am a wargames butterfly... :D Yes, something new but I guess not a surprise. Whilst most of my gaming is 28mm I have a deep r...

    1 week ago

  • - *A GENERAL PETTYGREE SHORT STORY* *Mary and General Pettygree On Expedition* *Chapter 2 of 2 --- The End* Date: Late 1930s Location: Ruins of Gortyn, Islan...

    1 week ago

  • Change of Residence and New Painting Area - Recently made a new home purchase and got a really spacious basement for wargaming. Still in the process of getting things set up but here a few pics of...

    1 week ago

  • Battleground 2021! - Today, after a two year break (I wonder why!) - The Battleground show at Stockton upon Tees was back on! As ever, I attended with a stuffed wallet and m...

    1 week ago

  • 40k Imperial Guard - I always liked the warhammer 40.000 universe. Their models, the background, The grimm dark future setting. I always thought it was a shame they didn't ch...

    1 week ago

  • Battle of the Pyramids - I hadn't gamed with Jon for ages, so we set up a rendez-vous in his games room. Jon set up a scenario based around the Battle of the Pyramids 1798, using...

    1 week ago

  • SURRENDER (YOUR CHARMING RULES) - Great battle report but the insults you hurl on Mulehead and the One True Rule will return as vipers to strike you on your path to Chitral and the sun...

    2 weeks ago

  • Zinzendorf province - The Kings Reviews some troops - * The King has travelled to the Zinzendorf province to see for himself the current situation, inspect defences and review General Waldeback future plans...

    2 weeks ago

  • Basing the Barryat of Lyndonia's big battalions - Whilst waiting for an overdue shipment of figures to complete my current painting project (hopefully just held up by the international supply chain issues ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Rough Riders On Mars! - Chapter 36 – The Jail Break - *Chapter 36 –* *The Jail Break* We marched out an hour before sun-up, the scouts led by Sergeant Fish in front. When we reached a line even with the ...

    2 weeks ago

  • HALO: Combat Evolved Turns 20! - Yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of Bungie's *HALO: Combat Evolved, *and it got me thinking about *HALO:CE *and its importance to me an...

    2 weeks ago

  • Um. . . Oh, Blogger??? - For several days now, Blogger has not allowed me to type comments into the pop-up comment window on others' blogs. Might anyone out there have any s...

    2 weeks ago

  • Tackling The Quirks Of The ADLG Mega Table - As is my wont I decided to do some homework in an attempt to memorise more of the combat factors from Art de la Guerre (ADLG) version 4. I have always s...

    2 weeks ago

  • The Constantinov Regiment - Whilst I have, for the most part, 'moth-balled' my Classic Wargaming collection over the past few years, occasionally I get the urge to dip back into it....

    2 weeks ago

  • Maxing Out - With the lawn gaming season in the Pacific Northwest over, we've been looking at other venues for games. Eventually we'll figure out some indoor venues o...

    2 weeks ago

  • More 1/72 Fantasy Campaign Figures - With the week off from work, I was able to make some progress on painting. I have been wanting to get some orcs done for my 5-country fantasy campaign,...

    2 weeks ago

  • Hondo Hottie House - Just a quick pic of something almost finished. Years back I was planning a Judge Dredd game, but the Mongoose mini range was shockingly bad, but I still...

    2 weeks ago

  • Tables of Interest - Historicon 2021 - In typical fashion, I am almost exclusively a day tripper. Usual caveats: I may very well have missed a room or to - it was pretty dispersed in my opinio...

    2 weeks ago

  • Lion Rampant second edition...just 8 month left... - There will be a second edition of Dan Merseys Lion Rampant rules published by Osprey, its due for release in 2022 july 19... just 8 month left... Not ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Pass in Review: US Navy PT Boats for Cruel Seas - (Image from: Warfare History Network) My apologies for the long delay between posts. I'm currently dealing with a major health issue, that I'll comment ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Salute 2021 - It was good to visit a wargames show again today. I understand that Salute won't return to its usual April slot until 2023, and I wonder if the Novembe...

    2 weeks ago

  • Journey Through A "Rotten Clown" - Part 5 : The Tale of The Scariest Clown Face Ever - The Rotten Clown — Work In Progress.(Click on to enlarge)Dear Readers...Fragile souls, pass your turn !For those who fear not : Brace yourself and Go on t...

    2 weeks ago

  • High Flight - Another Remembrance Day has passed. I always find it a somber and sad day. One of my earliest childhood memories would be of a Remembrance Day service at C...

    2 weeks ago

  • Ion Age 15mm new Hazelwurm and Colabreta Lifter vehicles released! - The Khanate break out from the Belkan expanse saw an ever increasing mass of aliens boiling towards the capital city of Camarthan Prime. While the bulk ...

    3 weeks ago

  • Updated Command Decision: Test of Battle Information for Steve - Steve asked about a non .pdf file version of my orders of battle for the Command Decision Stolberg Campaign. Here they are: The above map has an added sect...

    3 weeks ago

  • Proper Painting Part 2 - Greetings. It's been a while. Just another quick post to prove I'm still alive and kicking and slapping pigment on lead. For this installment a few m...

    3 weeks ago

  • Vintage Miniatures: Citadel SH2 Cloaked Superheroes - One of the most obscure Citadel ranges nowadays is the Superheroes range from 1981. Described as a 'new range of defenders of humanity and avengers of i...

    3 weeks ago

  • Not there yet... - I had hoped for a much more joyous post than this for my first one back, but the simply fact of the matter is that sadly James, myself and the Castle w...

    3 weeks ago

  • Blog Recommendation: Hand Built History - I'd like to recommend a new blog that I'll be keenly following, Hand Built History It's a blog by John Boadle, who for those who aren't aware of John, i...

    3 weeks ago

  • New Banner and Pantile Photoshoot - Painting and gaming has been a bit thin on the ground recently, due in the main to illness. However, I'm on the mend now thank goodness, so I recently d...

    3 weeks ago

  • STAR WARS LEGION: EMPIRE - Nouvelle série de peinture qui vient clore ce que j'avais en SW Légion pour le coté de l'Empire. Cela devrait être suffisant pour débuter le jeu. Next st...

    3 weeks ago

  • "The Forgotten" - 28mm Sci Fi Horror Alpha Playtest - I kept the weapons, units and gear very vanilla so I could get a feel for the mechanisms. No special weapons, no magic or hacking, no extra rules for dem...

    3 weeks ago

  • Five Parsecs from Gaming - It appears to have been a while since I've updated. That's due to the lack of painting or gaming since the beginning of July. 2021 has not been kind. First...

    3 weeks ago

  • November 2021 - Works in Progress - I have a fair number of units under way for my old school Napoleonics collection, so though none are finished yet, I thought it would be interesting to ...

    3 weeks ago

  • Gaming weekend : W40 000 campaign! - z I ran a quick campaign with Laurent aka Slaanesh Child few days ago, weekend format is my favorite way to deep dive in a gaming trip with friends. Tree...

    3 weeks ago

  • Eilif explores - Well, time passes and Eilif receives orders from king Einar to go on exploration to the North East border to find suitable places for more settlers incom...

    3 weeks ago

  • Et pour changer, un epu de Star Wars Légion. - Voilà la La suite de mes troupes.

    3 weeks ago

  • Battle Systems - Northern Homestead - Good morning everybody - long time no post. This is due to a number of reasons, mostly good, but primarily because I have been working. After another lon...

    3 weeks ago

  • MOOVING TIME! - The painting and gaming spaces are in the process of packing, now that the final commission painting has been finished and will be delivered in a day....

    4 weeks ago

  • Ancient / Medieval village church - The finished small village church/chapel, made from poly board with the outer covering of card mostly removed and the exposed foam scribed with lines to ...

    4 weeks ago

  • Commandos and Kayaks game in Miniature Wargames ... - The commandos and kayaks game account and rules was published in Miniature Wargames November 2021 (Issue 463)

    4 weeks ago

  • TWI: Mexican Permanente cavalry (dismounted) - I'm continuing to plug away at the TWI project with a small addition of one group, a Big Man, and a Deployment Point (using the spare figures)... *Mexican...

    4 weeks ago

  • ALIEN - The Nostromo Fan Art - - *Comment*: Simply amazing.

    4 weeks ago

  • 23rd October, Hampshire - Alton DBA and the 2021 UK DBA League After nearly 2 years (since Tarrington 2019), with a trip down to Alton, we were able to wind up the DBA League's...

    4 weeks ago

  • Owlbear and Wizards Staff - I have been a little tardy with posting to the blog due us moving house, that's all done now apart from the endless decorating and DIY. I have managed to...

    4 weeks ago

  • Kucing Dan Diabetes Pada Kucing - Kucing adalah salah satu hewan peliharaan paling populer di Amerika Utara. Mereka adalah hewan peliharaan yang penuh kasih, yang mampu memberi Anda persa...

    4 weeks ago

  • Epic ACW and back to some Bolt Action - The blog has been quiet for a couple of reasons - house renovations mean I don't have a hobby room ready yet, but also it's been busy and I have fallen o...

    4 weeks ago

  • The Great War Martian War - The Great Martian War is a documentary about the Martian Invasion of the world, and the ensuing war to stop them, during the period of 1913 to 1917. I...

    5 weeks ago

  • A First for me...Some Fimir!! - Hi all, Back with a quick post to share with you some classic Fimir that I recently painted as part of a small commission that I've been working on. Th...

    5 weeks ago

  • Sytris Major Apartments A WIP/Oct 2021 - So a little progress of one of the Syrtis Major apartments groups in the legation quarter. Going on the TRMGS description ' a group of apartment buildin...

    5 weeks ago

  • September and October Update: So much to write about!!! - The month of September got away from me as things moved quickly about Casa Del Murph here. And before I even knew what was going on, it's already the w...

    5 weeks ago

  • Don't Call It a Comeback - So, as we're deep in the throes of Halloween season, which means horror gaming roun' these parts, it's time for me to post something seasonal. But this ...

    5 weeks ago

  • Sunbolt - Sunbolt is a new 3rd level spell for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition for use by Clerics, Druids, Sorcerers, and Wizards.

    5 weeks ago

  • WWI - French Assault of German Trench system - Nivelle Offensive 1917 - As I am moving to a new home by the end of the year, I wanted to break out my unfinished trench system terrain boards which have not been used for a game...

    5 weeks ago

  • 'Miniature Wargaming The Movie' - Whatever Happened? - One or two of you may remember a post from February this year which I called 'Why We Wargame'. The post had some interesting responses, but its inspirati...

    5 weeks ago

  • Rent-A-Ghost - Join the Legions of the Working Dead!Rent-A-Ghost is a one page role-playing, comedy story-telling game about very odd ghosts doing very odd jobs, strongly...

    5 weeks ago

  • Chapter III Concludes Legio II's Battle on Sardonia - When?: Late Roman Republic Era Date Uncertain Location: Sardonia Island Situation: King Sardonicus III Contests Legio II Miniatures: Using What I Have R...

    5 weeks ago

  • The Story of the Doctor Who Tapestry (Part Three) - *I often get asked the same questions regarding the tapestry: When did you start it? How long have you been doing it? It's not actually that easy to answ...

    5 weeks ago

  • "Shack Me Up" Towers – Fogou - I painted some lovely pieces of Fogou post-apocalyptic terrain, and took some photos. I had a lot of fun painting the Fort Hardknox release in 2019. As a k...

    1 month ago

  • Finally completed a unit. - So the last "unit" I did was back on the 12th of June, since then I've only done a few odd figures, brigadiers, and Vietnam stuff, not any proper units....

    1 month ago

  • 10 Months! Really?!?! Elves and more Elves - Good grief. 10 whole months without a post is pretty slack to say the least! I could blame all sorts of things but the answer really is basically just la...

    1 month ago

  • Halfdan and the Vikings - The Battle of Barbelton Heath - *Continued from* *here* Halfdan and his small band of loyal supporters heads towards his rendezvous with the Vikings at Barbleton Heath... A traitor in H...

    1 month ago

  • Back From The Dead (1) - I had a good time, last night, fitting parts back into place and applying the glue to keep them there. One of the trucks will be a challenge, as it's in r...

    1 month ago

  • A bit of an update. - Hello again and welcome to Inso's World. It's been a few months since my last post but things have been ticking along; even though it may have been a b...

    1 month ago

  • Punic War Cavalry - Rebasing continues on the 20mm Newline Designs cavalry, this time Carthaginian and Italian heavy horse units. It was a straight up swap with no tinkerin...

    1 month ago

  • Austrian SYW Artillery - With this article, I will present the Seven Years' War periods most celebrated artillery. The new fine ordnance fielded by the troops of her majesty, the...

    1 month ago

  • French Mounted Knights - I added more bases of knights for the recent demo games. I have lots more to add.

    1 month ago

  • Test Post - Troop of Shewe The Showcase Quality Historical Painting Service Figures, Vehicles and Terrain 1/300 through 1/48 A Specialist in Scale Armour modelling Ful...

    1 month ago

  • Overhauling the paint cart (part 1) - First of all, sorry for the lack of posts. It is not like I have been idle. A couple of weeks this summer were spend rebasing my trees and working on my fo...

    1 month ago

  • Kzinti ships, first attempt - I just grabbed these at random from my drawer of things to be done: Two Medium Cruisers being lead by a Fast Battlecruiser. Medium Cruisers are the Kzin...

    1 month ago

  • X-Men United Wolverine tutorial and photos - Here's a video showing how I painted up Wolverine from Marvel United X-Men. He's a larger scale then I'm used to, so I tried using a zenithal base and m...

    1 month ago

  • First Test & Development Games of Pulse of Battle: Ancient & Medieval - We had a smaller group yesterday for our first playtests of the new "Pulse of Battle: Ancient & Medieval" rules that I've started working on. They'll ...

    1 month ago

  • Youtube - Recently added two short videos on the youtube channel of some vintage plastic 20mm figures. If you click on the images below they will take you to the v...

    2 months ago

  • More Work On The Solar Panel - Continuing on from my work in the last post, I learned more about working in Blender. It turns out that for simple geometric shapes that I was working wi...

    2 months ago

  • Happy Orctober once more. - Evening all. Just a quick one as it's BOYL tomorrow and I have to get to bed but wanted to make this a proper Orctober this year so here is a couple of ...

    2 months ago

  • Millennium Con - Round Rock Texas - Millennium Con is just right around the Corner. Signup for games and for those who want to buy, sell or trade miniatures and games don't forget the Sund...

    2 months ago

  • 28mm Rastafarians - In February 2021 I ordered new decals for my motorcycle gang from Studio Miniatures in the UK. (see previous post). I took a look around their website ...

    2 months ago

  • Barrage! Convention Conan Game - Spent yesterday at the Barrage wargaming convention and as always, I had a blast. It's just a fun relatively small local gaming convention where I get ...

    2 months ago

  • The Lockdown Follies cont'd... - Last month it was doing all the fantasy figures (farewell to my old LotR and a GoT commission) whilst in lockdown this year. After a brief interlude the...

    2 months ago

  • Knights of The Celestial Tower for Dragon Rampant: Painted Lancers - Well, I finally got some paint onto the three converted GW Stormcast Palladors on their resized Mousillon Miniatures 3D printed horses. What a task! Th...

    2 months ago

  • Patrick Keith Remasters Waldo! Viper Suit Kickstarter Ends Tonight! - Secret stretch goal unlocked! Patrick Keith, of Reaper and Bombshell Minis fame, was kind enough to remaster Waldo, my longtime size reference figure. ...

    2 months ago

  • CHALK ART: "Postcard #18" - I just finished "Postcard #18" this evening. Since Fall is nearly upon us, it was time for a change on the ol' chalkboard.

    2 months ago

  • GZG ECC Puzzling - Hopefully we are going to be back to the GZG ECC next year! So, its time to plan... ...I was thinking of a bunch of different games when a new batch of...

    2 months ago

  • Out of Storage Part 3: WW2 in Color and in 15mm - Got out some of my old-time favorite minis for playing Flames of War. Two Tigers and an Elephant aka Ferdinand An assortment of half-tracks: 2x Sd Kfz 251/1...

    2 months ago

  • Grimy Green Ghostly Skeleton Revenants - Kevin Dallimore wrote this fine article on a variant of painting undead Revanants for Oathmark, and I wanted to try it out on my Triumph of Death skel...

    2 months ago

  • The Brute - I got this figure from Knightmare Miniatures, it's a really nice Chaos Champion, sculpted by Kevin Adams. I think he is quite a good match for the pr...

    2 months ago

  • New Approaches - Knowing that there is no chance of my managing to paint up all of the armies in all of the eras I would like to, I have been exploring an alternative app...

    2 months ago

  • I am leaving but no one fucking cares - This blog is done. No one interacts and i'm tired of begging the world for connection. If you have a blog that people connect to, comment on (like I did...

    2 months ago

  • Killteam Review! - Hoi, This post has been a bit longer in the waiting than I had expected but as usual life interfered. . The new version of Killteam unboxed! Some...

    2 months ago

  • Pikeman's Lament 30 Years War Game at Ed M's - I got together with fellow Bloggers Ed M and Mark D (click their names to see their blogs) for a game of Pikeman's Lament that Ed was hosting for Mark an...

    2 months ago

  • It's ALIVE!!!! - The kickstarter for Blood Stone Isle went live on Friday. Check it out! I've been watching the start of my friend's KickStarter with baited breath, know...

    2 months ago

  • WW2 West Front 1944 on a large 3x4 grid with 6mm forces, and son - *Introduction* These are two games I played with my 13yo son S-- who wished for a game using the 6mm figures as per the campaign I am running on an A4 pa...

    2 months ago

  • Another monstrous hockey player! - sep04_2021 - It's been tough to dig out time to paint these days with everything that's happening. Still, I managed to get paint on three of the hockey figures and ma...

    2 months ago

  • RIP Don... - I've had this newspaper clipping floating around on my desk for ages now, and thought it was high time I saved it for posterity before it eventually gets l...

    3 months ago

  • Down the Moonbeam Road – Chapter Two - *"The meeting of the war council reached its end giving the emperor the moment to recapitulate a number of key points. Plans for the upcoming campaign ha...

    3 months ago

  • Lost Tomb of the Bitchin Chimera Characters - It has been a LONG time since I posted here... I backed the Lost Tomb of the Bitchin Chimera kickstarter last year. I don't back a LOT of kickstarters ...

    3 months ago

  • Rogues Gallery - Bugbears by Reaper Miniatures, I painted a bunch of figures since last September , here thes antagonists from a bunch of differentD&D games we ran, ...

    3 months ago

  • Warhammer 40K: Math Team Deathwatch Special Issue - So the Deathwatch Killteam looks pretty solid in the new kill team. Good customization options still and you can build them with a inexpensive box. They ...

    3 months ago

  • A Gift From An Old Friend - Part 2 - The second half of the items I have inherited from Al is this amazing AIW Jordanian collection. Like the Israeli collection, this army is all Battlefro...

    3 months ago

  • Boltaction - enter the learning curve. - So not quite D-Day, but the opening game at the club arrived and this is how I'd managed to get the figures. From my RPG days I'd knew that if the fles...

    3 months ago

  • Projects, projects, projects - A look at what I'm currently working on.

    3 months ago

  • - More work on my Star Trek Ship art. United Federation of Planets, Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser and Klingon D-7 Class Battlecruiser. These a...

    3 months ago

  • More TYW - Hi Gents, A few pics of my recently revamped TYW collection the bulk of the collection is made up of figures previously owned by Barry Hilton and Phil O...

    3 months ago

  • Book Review: Wargames Terrain & Buildings - WWI Trench Systems by Douglas Hardy - The latest addition to the Wargames Terrain and Buildings series of books from Pen and Sword is WWI Trench Systems by Douglas Hardy. It is good to see ...

    3 months ago

  • Sharp Practice. SP3 - Adventures in the Peekaboo Valley – Clash at the Crossroads! - *'DaDa Dah, diddler, DaDa Dah, diddler, DaDa Dah.....'* Episode Three in our Mighty War of 1812 Sharp Practice Saga! *"The Heroic British forces led...

    3 months ago

  • New Family Member: Impawator Augustus - Things have been a little quite on the blog lately, but not that quite in real life. We've added a new member to our household - a puppy who has been ...

    3 months ago

  • Polish 17C Cavalry - Adding bows and quivers (2) ... all done .. - Finished tinkering with the Polish Pancerni and Light Cavalry, two or three figures of each unit are now carry bow-case and quiver. I've reduced the n...

    3 months ago

  • "With Flashing Blades" – Recommendations for Background Books - Since my last Blog post, a couple of people have asked me about reading and viewing material which might accompany the game which Nick, Rich and myself h...

    3 months ago

  • Campaign Battle of Freezing Hill - Another of the War in the West country campaign battle has been run by Murdock and Cod. a largely cavalry on cavalry match Read Codsticker's account h...

    3 months ago

  • On the bench - In the past I have purposely avoided showing the work bench view of the ships. I always felt it disenchants the immersion in the world we have created...

    4 months ago

  • Atrezo [Cursed City] - Fotos variasas de obstáculos, objetos misteriosos, elementos de crisis, etc. para el juego

    4 months ago

  • Extra Turrets – Released for LAV and Tank Kits - The Extra Turrets kit for the LAV and Tank kits is now available on the usual resellers. This kit is an expansion, so you will also need the LAV or Tank ...

    4 months ago

  • News - I'm sure like most of you, the last 18 months plus have been both trying pretty weird. I've been very fortunate in that I have a reasonable job in the ...

    4 months ago

  • Micro-scale projects, part 1 - This month's special focus was to be about 1/300 or 6mm stuff that is in the hobby mountain. I have not been able to get too much done but here are a few...

    4 months ago

  • Leela and Roberto ready for battle - Hi guys Leela and Roberto ready for battle, both 3D printed and converted, the Futurama crew is coming along nicely.

    4 months ago

  • Co warto wiedzieć zaczynając przygodę z bitewniakami - Tym razem po polsku bo mi się napisała długa odpowiedz na pytanie: "Od czego zacząć zabawę z tego typu grami? Moje jedyne doświadczenie w tym temacie to ...

    4 months ago

  • Review: Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders - The Goblin Wolf Riders are the first Oathmark models I have bought and I purchased them specifically to add hobgoblin light cavalry to my Chaos Dwarf a...

    4 months ago

  • In the Glen - Today I caught up with old friends in the Glen. To get there I passed the palace and other historical sites. I thought some of the readers of this blog ...

    4 months ago

  • KV-1s - KV-1 and KV-1S, plastic BF models. With some work, both turrets can be used. CdlT

    4 months ago

  • Schwartzenberg - As I have noticed that most of the interest now goes into the facebook page on 1672, I decided it was time to post something here again. The above pl...

    4 months ago

  • New Early Imperial Roman Paper Army - Over the last few months, I've been working slowly on revising my Early Imperial Roman army set, which I posted six years ago. There wasn't anything horr...

    4 months ago

  • Zombie Apocalypse - The Whisperers Return! - Almost 6 (six goddamn years!) ago I built some Whisperers for my zombie-apocalypse games - since their first appearance back then in The Walking Dead com...

    5 months ago

  • WW2 rules ideas and some M10 GMCs - It's been a while since I last posted about my 20mm WW2 games. In the last few weeks I have been toying around with some ideas for rules and have filled...

    5 months ago

  • Raid On Villa Winter - "Captain Hendry de Cromault paddled steadily and quietly through the uneasy surf, his sergeant and some of his men behind him doing likewise. To either sid...

    5 months ago

  • Raid On Villa Winter - "Captain Hendry de Cromault paddled steadily and quietly through the uneasy surf, his sergeant and some of his men behind him doing likewise. To either sid...

    5 months ago

  • Captain Morgan - Following on the heels of my last command vignette, I present Captain Henry Morgan! Though Henry Morgan is often thought of as a pirate, he considered h...

    5 months ago

  • - I may not be posting here anymore, but wait! I'm posting right now! The future is here, it's 2021 and we have underwater cities and flying cars! Anyway, I...

    5 months ago

  • Hunters and scoundrels - Last Christmas, I couldn't resist getting some Star Wars Legion minis -- My wife and I don't play SW Legion, but we do play Zombicide Invader. So we've g...

    5 months ago

  • Crowdfunding - Why do it? - Further my previous introductory post on Kickstarter, I thought it was worth setting out why you might consider crowdfunding a project given the financi...

    5 months ago

  • Evil Robots - *A group photo for the album* I picked these guys up a few weeks ago for two reasons. Firstly, I thought they looked really creepy. And secondly, becaus...

    5 months ago

  • STERLING PRICE AND THE MISSOURI STATE GUARD 1861 - *28mm Sterling Price and the Missouri State Guard 1861. Price is a conversion of the Front Rank mounted Napoleonic civilian gentleman. The Missouri ...

    5 months ago

  • Community Update – June 2nd - Hey everyone! It's time for the return of our irregular community update! Of course, the... The post Community Update – June 2nd appeared first on Mantic...

    6 months ago

  • - Hello my dear friends all over the World, It will be a hard time, and a crazy time. Within this Corona pandemic, no old way would be the same. I really ...

    6 months ago

  • Sarissa Precision Old West Buildings - In preparation for a mate's birthday weekend of gaming, coming up in July, I have decided to put on a couple of games of something Old West. I put an or...

    6 months ago

  • Hessian Jagers - I keep finding little bits of American War of Independence projects hidden in interesting places. these guys were on bases, primed or partially painted, in...

    6 months ago

  • Wet Palette Prep: How & Why? - How I prep my wet palette, why I do it this way and why I use one. Hope you find it useful.

    6 months ago

  • GM's side of "Checkpoint Chester"... - So it's been a while since I have done anything "Bongolesia wise", and as explained in the 2020 update, there's just been so much going on lately in my ...

    6 months ago

  • What's all the this then! - Not sure how these things work anymore. But check out Billy Goat Wargaming I'm still working on my camera skills. They're somewhat limited. I need to lo...

    6 months ago

  • WW2 Home Made Scatter and Battlefield Terrain - This is partly inspired by a Youtube video I watched some weeks ago where a guy made some post-apocalyptic terrain pieces using a similar method. I've m...

    6 months ago

  • Wars of Ozz Kickstarter 2: Last Few Days - There's just 4 days left to get in on the newest Wars of Ozz Kickstarter! The kickstarter is introducing 3 new factions to the world of "Wars of Ozz...

    6 months ago

  • Megalania and Komodo Dragons - Megalania (Varanus priscus) is an extinct species of giant monitor lizard,[1] part of the megafaunal assemblage that inhabited Australia during the Pleisto...

    6 months ago

  • Mike Hobbs – Funeral Webcast - It was Mike's funeral today. Due to COVID restrictions, attendance at the service was strictly limited, and I know so many people would have wanted to pay ...

    6 months ago

  • And Don't Bring Hordes to a Knight Fight! - Ahiahi marie ano, Good afternoon again, Game two. Goblins vs. Orcses. Hordes vs. Warband. For the second game we both brought out our Greenskins. My Rae...

    7 months ago

  • Trash Bash 2021 Contest Rules - *Trash Bash 2020 Contest Rules:* *What is This?* In the spirit of Rick Priestley's classic grav-attack build, this contest challenges converters, hobbyis...

    7 months ago

  • The "Hitari" Brothers, Masters of Death - Pues tenemos enemigos para el Lobo, perdon Perro solitario y su cachorro, los famosos hermanos Hidari, maestros de la muerte de Bac Ninh Miniatures.

    7 months ago

  • Grand Opening May 22nd, 2021 - My new game store, Third Coast Games, will have our grand opening celebration on Saturday, May 22nd. I've been envisioning a game store like "CHEERS"...

    7 months ago

  • A Lovely Stroll - Today's game is not one that should need much introduction with praise from reviewers all over the internet and a solid rating on BGG. It's PARKS. The game...

    7 months ago

  • ASOIAF Lannister Guardsmen - Base Colors Applied - Here are the Lannister Guardsmen in progress. I am applying the base colors to the different miniatures. I am roughly following a speed painting method I ...

    7 months ago

  • My custom Blitz Bowl pitch! - Hey all! Well, around the holidays I was at Barnes and Noble and wandered into the games section, only to find my latest game... Blitz Bowl! It is a s...

    7 months ago

  • Up, Men! And to your Posts!! - *Long* time *no* post! The reasons are the obvious ones- the Great Pestilence putting the kibosh on gaming being the biggest one- but also more problems...

    7 months ago

  • Fort Independence Playset - When my kids were little, we lived in northeastern Ohio. I used to enjoy perusing The Garage Sale Store on Mentor Avenue in downtown Mentor, Ohio. The owne...

    7 months ago

  • Carthaginian army part 1: Numidian Cavalry. - At last a new post. First I like to tell that the chemotherapy has done it's work. I'm cancer free. No operation needed. Although I still suffer from some s...

    7 months ago

  • Black Riders - 12 bods and 10 Nags. 10 of the bods, 9 mounted and one on foot*, are the "run of the mill" and hard to tell apart Nazgûl / Ringwraiths. each one dresse...

    7 months ago

  • 40mm al fresco firing line - In the garden today-

    7 months ago

  • "So Much Death." - *"What can men do against such reckless hate?"* This pair of 28mm scale metal Uruk-hai were manufactured by "Games Workshop", and could be bought as part ...

    7 months ago

  • Undertow in Phoenix - Aloha, Another review of a local Tiki bar here in Phoenix, it has recently moved to a new location and the wife and I went to check it out. UndertowWe ...

    7 months ago

  • A few more Prussians to be going on with. - Well, as anyone reading this will have probably noticed, I'm behind schedule again. Lots of real world things going on to cause distractions like hav...

    7 months ago

  • 15mm Hundred Years War English Archers - My first batch of English Archers for my Hundred Years War English Army that I am building specifically to recreate the English Army of Agincourt. The...

    8 months ago

  • - *ANNOUNCEMENT FROM STRATEGIC ELITE* Hi friends, Bob Faust here. I wanted to make a general announcement regarding my hiatus from the development of...

    8 months ago

  • Battle of Ebelsberg: French vs. Austrian 15mm Napoleonics - The battle begins! For a complete pre-game overview and special rules, check out the previous post here. 10:20 Austrian. Hohenfeld's brigade rapidly...

    8 months ago

  • Richard Ansell. Very sad News - It is with tremendous sadness that I must report the passing of the hugely talented sculptor and great friend of not just me but all of the Lard Island cre...

    9 months ago

  • The 100 Hours War - Honduran Corsairs on the left, El Salvadoran Mustangs and Corsair center and rightRecently I had Chris Geisert paint up some aircraft used in the 1969 100 ...

    9 months ago

  • Victrix Iberian - Unit of Victrix Iberian Warriors. Shield transfers by Little Big Men. Tried two paint plans for the tunic. Ghoul Skin by Reaper produced a green/grey with...

    9 months ago

  • By request - for Allan Mountford: On Casualties, by Duncan Macfarlane - These scans are of an article which appeared in Miniature Warfare & Model Soldiers magazine in November 1972.

    9 months ago

  • Basing PR&FR - 6 mm - What was done on January 2021 - Hi, As a follow up about the few past weeks, here is the status of on-going Prussians and French, finally based, and so done. As an introduction, here ...

    9 months ago

  • NT Rules: Ancient Army Lists V - Crusades - Let me first start out by saying that the title for this series - the Ancient Army Lists (for Niel Thomas' rules from Wargaming: An Introduction) is a b...

    10 months ago

  • Game Slot 5 Mariachis Habanero - Game Slot 5 Mariachis Habanero adalah interpretasi Habenero tentang mesin slot bertema Meksiko lama, ini menjadi topik yang telah dibahas … The post Gam...

    10 months ago

  • Prussian Horse Artillery WIP1 - Just started the last of my Prussian artillery, this time AB horse artillery loading crew. These are some of my favourite Prussian figures, I'm guessing...

    10 months ago

  • Battle of the Falklands - a Full Thrust scenario - Battle of the Falklands A Full Thrust Scenario by Phil Broeders *Authors notes* This scenario is based on the The Battle of the Falkland Islands, ...

    10 months ago

  • 2020 DUMP - Sample of some stuff I did in 2020... there was a LOT more.

    10 months ago

  • 2020 Good year, bad year - I thought I'd put together a few photos from the past year, some of it has already appeared here, most not, its mainly just pictures of figures I've pai...

    11 months ago

  • Warhammer Quest Silver Tower - Final Trial Conclusion - After defeating a magically empowered Ogroid Thaumaturge, Byron Manfred and his wight king companion charge headlong into a pulsing portal of flame that ap...

    11 months ago

  • Lard Magazine 2020 is out! - As usual just before Christmas, TooFatLardies has just released today its Annual Lard Magazine. This is HUGE 180 tome of scnearios, special rules, ar...

    11 months ago

  • France needs Liftwood! (Part 2) - The distant sun was low on the horizon when the French and their Martian allies commenced their advance upon the unsuspecting British. On the right, the ...

    11 months ago

  • - Another solo game, Combat Patrol. I used the layout earlier in the week to play another game but thought rather than pack it up I would give Comba...

    11 months ago

  • NEW BLOG ALERT - So I'm not sure anyone will be reading this, but I have returned to the world of blogging, this time on a different platform and with a gaming focus muc...

    11 months ago

  • Holy Crap! Somebody Finally made them - T-80Us coming out from Battlefront. After nearly a decade waiting for somebody to make the T-80U somebody has finally done it and that somebody is Battl...

    11 months ago

  • 33 Ford Coupe - I finished up the video on the 33 Ford Coupe. This is a much cleaner build than the Mustang I posted last week. I was trying a new paint, Turbo Dork M...

    11 months ago

  • Paint Table Sunday: Jazz Age Imperialism - I haven't done any hobby stuff for months for a number of reasons but the principal one is that I was just not inspired by anything on my workbench. So...

    11 months ago

  • Old Glory Franks - A while ago, I saw an auction on eBay, someone was auctioning off a couple of packs of Old Glory Franks. (or Old Glory for more pictures) He had some very ...

    1 year ago

  • Sisters of Battle - Order of the Bloody Rose - Long time since I posted anything new here, but with the ongoing Covid-19 and lockdown situations, I've had time to hobby more this year. So much so, I'v...

    1 year ago

  • Work In Progress! - I am currently trying out a re-design of this site, starting today (16th October 2020), so it may be a bit wonky over the next few days. Please bear with m...

    1 year ago

  • New site with much improved blog - please have a look - Friends, after several days of hard work I'm happy to present to you my new site. After 10 years with blogspot I have moved my online hobby operation to a ...

    1 year ago

  • Blogging about Space Hulk - Written by Ron Saikowski, October 10, 2020I've decided to start blogging and sharing my Space Hulk material. Space Hulk: Boarding Mission Space Hulk has al...

    1 year ago

  • "O GROUP" - *O Group* *WW2 Rules!* To secure your copy see the Too Fat Lardies site! We now have 4 podcasts and 4 videos to accompany the launch of the rules. ...

    1 year ago

  • It's a long way to Sardis - While getting ready to play Marathon, I have started to ponder the lack of Persian cavalry. Herodotus says that the Persians chose Marathon bay as a landi...

    1 year ago

  • Introducing - 'MATES RATES' my new promotion, coming soon - 2020 has been a nightmare of a year for a lot of us, and surviving this year as a self-employed person has been an interesting endeavour to say the least.....

    1 year ago

  • The Cult Expands - Got some more work on the Cult done - finished the Neophytes squad and added a pack of Aberrants. Next on the docket for them are some Genestealers, an...

    1 year ago

  • NEW IMAGI-NATIONS ATOMIC AGE BLOG - I've created a new blog to record my miniature craftwork in my imaginary cold war gone hot campaign setting. I will remove those posts from this blog ...

    1 year ago

  • FOW Solo Play US Airborne vs German Grenadier - I've had these two companies painted for a long time and now with my son on the west coast, I am giving it a go by myself. Be advised I am not a strict a...

    1 year ago

  • 326 BC The Battle of Hydaspes - Just posting a few images from the game we played yesterday afternoon, The Battle of Hydaspes, where Alexanders veteran army fought the Indian King Porus...

    1 year ago

  • Crew of Starship V 'Sleipnir'... - ...2nd Dynasty's latest Kickstarter campaign - starts Wednesday.

    1 year ago

  • Alan Cook - I wanted to register my sadness at hearing of the passing of Alan Cook of the ABC Wargamers' blog, after a long illness. Alan amongst other things was a gr...

    1 year ago

  • This Blog Will Close in December 2020 - This blog will close in early December and it will be taken down altogether. This is part of my retirement plan. The original content is still availabl...

    1 year ago

  • Point Defence part two - *The other Indian section are becoming more and more pinned down. * *While the Bengal Lancers come under a withering fire from the central ruin.* *To make...

    1 year ago

  • Sky Galleons of Mars now possible - Years ago my friend Kurt and I picked up Sky Galleons of Mars at The gamestore in Atlanta at the time, Sword of the Phoenix. Of course I was excited becaus...

    1 year ago

  • Time to get back to work ..updates - I've neglected to post new stuff the past few years (?). A friend of mine commented that I should finish the artillery section and then the cavalry sect...

    1 year ago

  • Celebrate Roguelikes, October 3rd 2020 - [image: Celebrate Roguelikes] Celebrate the rich history and inspiring future of roguelikes with streamed talks and more in our own custom-built roguelike...

    1 year ago

  • Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig - Some amazing Goblins from GW, part of a larger army. Always had soft spot for Squig

    1 year ago

  • Bear-dicca? -

    1 year ago

  • Return of the Menagerie - (With Apologies to George Lucas and Lucasfilms) Well, it's been a while, but in the words of Sam Gamgee - "I'm back" So where have I been I hear you al...

    1 year ago

  • GMG Reviews – Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition: The Core Rulebook - It's that time again, another edition of Warhammer 40,000 has dropped with a massive 364 page rulebook that outlines everything from the essential rules fo...

    1 year ago

  • Indian Mutiny Sharpes Practice - This was a 70 point game using the first scenario in the Sharpes Practice rule book. Both the forces of Major Charles Wutherington Inbred-Smyth of the 19t...

    1 year ago

  • Lamming French Napoleonic Cavalry original range FC 26 Mameluke with Blunderbuss - A very recent acquisition - a first series Lamming Napoleonic Mameluke with Blunderbuss. Very welcome for a number of reasons: 1. It is an extremely...

    1 year ago

  • Working on a new game! - After many, many yeats I'm working on a hex-based, introductory wargame that will cover different historical periods. I'm very excited by this new projec...

    1 year ago

  • Toy soldier fun - *It all started bout two months ago when I was looking for inspiration and examples for the 42mm project I introduced in my last post, I found a number of ...

    1 year ago

  • Guerre de Succession de Bourgogne 2 - Petite mise à jour avec deux nouvelles plaquettes de piquiers flamands, ces troupes formaient en effet le gros de l'armée de Maximilien pendant la période....

    1 year ago

  • Oosterbeek 1944 - The other day the lads got together for a small Chain of Command game. We took the scenario from Wargames Soldiers and Strategy 107. An SS German force was...

    1 year ago

  • Pół roku poza światem - dokładnie pół roku temu, 19 grudnia, przydarzyło mi się coś, czego nikomu nieżyczę cięż ki udar niedokrwienny,ze szpitala wyszedłem wyszedłem miesiac temu z...

    1 year ago

  • Blundering Through the Borderland- Turns 2-4. - This is a continuation of my experiment to combine the Five Leagues from the Borderland (5L) campaign rules with the Thud and Blunder (TB) skirmish rules f...

    1 year ago

  • JUNE 2020 UPDATE - Its time for monthly progress report and update. As a reminder I have 6 projects I am running with: 1. Tier 1 15mm Napoleonics 2. Tier 1 20mm Moderns 3. T...

    1 year ago

  • The Melcastrian Legion. - A Katerheim Freikorps financed by the Melcastrian King,

    1 year ago

  • Working on United Empire Miniature's 1/6 Scale bust of Plato - I've started work on a 1/6 scale bust of Plato by United Empire Miniatures. I've been using acrylics for this project. I think the eyes and skin tones tur...

    1 year ago

  • Necromunda House - I am rather pleased with this house I made for Necromunda. Having finished my ruined factory zone I thought I might make some terrain for a Necromunda sett...

    1 year ago

  • Rental Motor Bangka Pangkalpinang - - [image: Rental Motor Bangka] - [image: Rental Motor Bangka] - [image: Rental Motor Bangka] -40% Rental Motor Bangka Rp. 150.000 Rp. 90.00...

    1 year ago

  • After a long hiatus, I'm finally back to Space 1889 - Been many years but I finally got the colonial bug again and going to play it out on Mars. So over the past month I've started rebasing my old RAFM 1889 fig...

    1 year ago

  • GENERAL D'ARMEE on CYL TV - Hi Team Here are the videos I've created thus for covering some General D'Armee games: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8VX1GJ37NUyDgdO1lmE6rAzo87zT...

    1 year ago

  • British Light Infantry - The light company of the 49th Regiment of Foot was part of the 2nd Light Battalion formed in North America by General Howe's order of 14th May 1776. The ot...

    1 year ago

  • - The War is not over! [image: 🇩🇪]Unser nächstes Projekt ist die E-Serie (Entwicklungsserie): ein deutsches nicht-realisiertes Projekt zur Vereinheitlich...

    1 year ago

  • Kebugaran Mengubah Wajah Tur PGA - Lalu apakah Glumory akan menghasilkan Ketergantungan & menimbulkan efek samping glumory beauty drink ? sama sekali Tidak, dikarenakan Glumory terbuat hanya...

    1 year ago

  • Painting update - Update on my painting progress after a long hiatus.

    1 year ago

  • George Cross for NHS - I've noticed over the net that various folks have been suggesting that the NHS as an organization be awarded a George Cross. The people certainly qualify f...

    1 year ago

  • Spawn of Cthulhu - The truth behind the conspiracies? The dice from hell? Do you feel lucky? This post is a sign of life. Keep safe.

    1 year ago

  • Standby for future content... - I have decided to take up my tools and add to this project. 11 years ago I sold the collection and still had one or two bits lined up to make. The 2020 cov...

    1 year ago

  • Arapaho Indian 75mm from Pegaso models with Horse - A quick turnaround this time as I did say I have been needing to post several of my works. So here we have a 75mm Arapaho Indian with his trusty steed, bot...

    1 year ago

  • Isolation is Bliss to a Solo Gamer! - Hi Chaps, I pray that you are all healthy and avoiding the virus? On to business... the UK is in "lockdown" which makes sense to me and as a solo gamer ma...

    1 year ago

  • Ships off Haiti, part 1 - Some progress: Here are the contents of the Haitian rebel ship package - hulls, masts, bowsprits, funnels, and deck guns! Fortunately, there are good pics...

    1 year ago

  • MotorChamp Racing Formula 1 - I am solo running a season of F1 using MotorChamp by AZA-Spiele e.K.. The game is printed in German and I have a translation into English from Boardgamegeek...

    1 year ago

  • Secret Battles - I caught his elusive little gamer to be making use of all the terrain. Normally I just find Peppa Pig's friends and family in all the buildings.

    1 year ago

  • The end - This will unfortunately be my last blog post. I am critically ill in a hospice and I do not know how much time I have left to live. I have thooughly enjoye...

    1 year ago

  • Kurt Vonnegut's 8 Tips for Designing Games - Ok, ok, ok... I know Kurt Vonnegut never designed games (to the best of my knowledge, anyway). But he was an exceptional author who knew how to craft an en...

    1 year ago

  • The Ents are Marching to War - Gathered the Treemen into a moot to discuss the despoliation of their woods by Saruman's orcs and henchmen... The figures are from a variety of manufacture...

    1 year ago

  • RC Modell Me 109 - And now for something completely different...

    1 year ago

  • Can anyone find a non-creepy picture of Bill Armintrout? - The picture above is of Mr. William Armintrout, owner and Editor of The Miniatures Page, a "family friendly" website that promotes miniatures hobby warga...

    1 year ago

  • 2019 Final Score and 2020 Targets - A review of my plan for 2020 and a update on the 2019 plan Painting wise a very tough year with the study going upstairs, coming down, and now being used a...

    1 year ago

  • [📖PDF] Joseph Haydn: Stationen seines Lebens 3866804113 Herunterladen Für Kostenlosem Lesefutter eBook Reader - Herunterladen Für Gratis Joseph Haydn: Stationen seines Lebens.pdf 3866804113 Lesefutter eBook Reader [image: Joseph Haydn: Stationen seines Lebens] Herun...

    1 year ago

  • Roger's emergency car fund - My car is old and rusted and finally it won't pass inspection. This leaves us without a car. We don't have an extended family or a rich uncle to bail us ou...

    1 year ago

  • A last minute update - I've been very slack updating the blog this year, though I've actually been more productive than ever with my hobby projects. Once again I find myself post...

    1 year ago

  • Zvezda 1:100 Sd.Kfz. 222 - A closer look at Zvezdas 1:100 Sd.Kfz.222 for their "Art Of Tactic" wargame. As I mentioned in earlier posts, the use for this model is not limited to the...

    1 year ago

  • Pulp City: Full Effect - coming 020! - *Pulp City: Full Effect **Kickstarter* - coming Q1 or Q2 2020!

    1 year ago

  • The Navy's very own game! - Aeronautica Imperialis is a new Games Workshop game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, with models in a scale all of its own. This new game is all about...

    1 year ago

  • 100 Posts! - Looking for stray comments from yesterday's post, I realized I had just achieved the bell weather accomplishment of 100 posts! Yea! I have been posting ...

    1 year ago

  • Colonial River Gunboats - Things have been quiet on the naval front at Col Campbell's Barracks, but a post on the Miniatures Page about the construction of a river gunboat brought ...

    1 year ago

  • Necromunda - Sump City Showdown Session #2 - The Hunt for the Great White One! - It's been a bit of a rough patch over the last month or so, with a death in the family and huge deadlines and drifting piles of work eating up almost all o...

    2 years ago

  • 690 - Fairly Random Recent Hobby Pics - For anyone still out there, some snaps of recent hobby antics... Stay well, - Drax.

    2 years ago

  • 15mm Battered Markers for Dragon Rampant...... - *........and some ladders!* *The gravestones are leftovers and MDF from Blotz, these are used to signify a unit in distress marker for the rules, rather th...

    2 years ago

  • Levithan - I just picked up a copy of Scotia Grendel's Leviathan. This is a game I've been meaning to get for years but thanks to the excellent Leviathan War blog, ...

    2 years ago

  • Happy 'belated' Birthday Jack!! - Today I learnt that one of the most inspirational individuals in my 20mm hobby was 90 on the 22nd August. Happy belated birthday Jack...here's my little tr...

    2 years ago

  • Путешествие к ставке Германа Геринга Steinbruch - В Винницкой области есть много памяток практически всех европейских войн и одна из них, почему то мало известная ставке Германа Геринга "Steinbruch". Она ...

    2 years ago

  • Island Natives from Firelock Games - *Island natives are must when playing adventurous pirate games in the Caribbean. My buddy Jens got some island natives from Firelock Games to form a "crew"...

    2 years ago

  • Astropolis Enginarium Crew - Another group of Astropolis crew members, this time the the crew of the mighty ship's Enginarium. No starndard GW techpriest here, although I'm looking aro...

    2 years ago

  • A Series of INQ28s: What Imagism can teach us about the Shadow War - *A SERIES OF INQ28S: WHAT IMAGISM CAN TEACH US ABOUT THE SHADOW WAR* The early years of the Twentieth Century were a time of growing cities, continuing ind...

    2 years ago

  • Tripod Terror - Time to wheel out the Martians for a couple of games of Tripods and Triplanes at the club as I teach the rules to some first-time players. Mark the Martia...

    2 years ago

  • Irregular 6mm Chinese - A question came up on the ColonialWars Yahoo Group about 6mm Chinese troops for the period. As luck would have it, I happened to have one of the Irregular...

    2 years ago

  • Fear Inoculum -

    2 years ago

  • Let's Talk About… Gotrek Gurnisson's New Model – September 2019 - Ah Gotrek. Rock hard Dwarf, legendary Slayer and best friend of Felix… That was until the Age of Sigmar. I'll admit that up until a couple of months ago, I...

    2 years ago

  • SPQR - So never mind that I haven't posted anything substantial in years-let's just pick up and run with it. I've been looking for an excuse to paint up some 28mm...

    2 years ago

  • Still around, still not gaming much at all - Well, I am still alive. There are personal issues in my life, mainly work. I have a relative with a serious health issue, I am working a second shift, I ...

    2 years ago

  • Saxons, Robots, Romans, Survivors, Dogmeat, Junk, and More - Happy Sunday Distinguished Viewer, I've recently finished painting 33 more little guys. There's recently been no rhyme or reason behind any of the c...

    2 years ago

  • US Infantry speed painting - Sort of painted this platoon by accident. Started it a few weeks ago while messing around with contrast paints on the light green kit.

    2 years ago

  • The Hottest War & Peace Festival Ever ! - Probably the most impressive and unusual 'kit' at this years War & Peace extravaganza was this superb Marder 111. This was very interesting to see close ...

    2 years ago

  • Compagnie de Sapeurs-Mineurs - My Napoleonic project continues, very much in the background, but it does continue. These lovely Victrix conversions by Lionel Bechara represent the comp...

    2 years ago

  • 3mm Neo-Soviet Army - I have returned to micro-scale syfy warfare with the 3mm Science Fiction line from PicoArmor. I want a Neo-Soviet force for a near future Earth campaign. M...

    2 years ago

  • 42 Murray regiment of Foot - Since I am concentrating on battlefields around our Maison for battlefield tours and wargaming them I am selling off my English units for the French Indian...

    2 years ago

  • German Grenadiers vs Brit Tanks in Encounter - A target rich environment! Game 3 of the Lords or War MW 109 pt tournament was against Craig and his Brits. As always the painting level for Craig's army ...

    2 years ago

  • Zanzibari Game - MWWBK - Figures/Terrain by Chris (apart from my porters) with paper buildings...

    2 years ago

  • A Tale of Two Battles - Part the Second - After the battle recorded in the previous post, I felt I had unfinished business with Paul and his Russians, so I challenged him to a game the following...

    2 years ago

  • 28mm US Marine Corps Vietnam Miniatures: Part II - Part II of the all new range of 28mm Vietnam 1968 Wargame range have arrived. Ten new sculpts adding yet more drama and excitement in the form of US Marine...

    2 years ago

  • Ape Rules - Imgur user AKouzmanoff posted card images for the Empire of the Apes. I have no thoughts on any of this except that King Kodo says screw you flying things...

    2 years ago

  • RIP Avon - Paul Darrow 1941~2019 - Sad to hear that the incomparable, inimitable Paul Darrow has joined Gareth Thomas, Jacqueline Pearce, David Jackson and Peter Tuddenham in the pantheon ...

    2 years ago

  • Rubicon Sherman - 1/56 Rubicon Models Sherman, lovely kit

    2 years ago

  • 40K Terrain Bits and Pieces - While I have not posted much so far this year, there have been plenty of projects underway on the hobby table. The biggest driver has been our group's 40K ...

    2 years ago

  • Great nmm tutorial - A perfectly good to read and easy to follow explanation of how to draw NMM. http://merlinsmagicworkshop.blogspot.com/2019/03/hi-everyone-welcome-for-anothe...

    2 years ago

  • RELAUNCH of the Grav StuG Kickstarter. Up to 50.9% discount! - TAKE ME TO THE KICKSTARTER! *Why relaunch, what has changed?* By allowing plastic tooling to do what it does best; making perfect copies in large vol...

    2 years ago

  • Wild West Exodus Build #1 Doctor's Office - So, after a long, long time, I'm back at blogging. I have put together several of the Wild West Exodus buildings by Warcradle and I'm having a blast with ...

    2 years ago

  • Warhammer Underworlds - Godsworn (Oathsworn) Hunt - I continue to enjoy playing *Warhammer Underworlds (aka Shadespire or Nightvault).* It is a fun game where the character abilities, cards, and board lay-o...

    2 years ago

  • Monster Rider (4) - Hi all, finally an update! I was blocked by some health issues and then catching back up with real-life work. But now I finally have some time at hand. unfo...

    2 years ago

  • Cold Wars 2019 - *Glen Shiel 1719:* On Saturday night I ran the battle of Glen Shiel 1719. The theme for the convention was mountain warfare, so this was one battle that ...

    2 years ago

  • British Khaki #3 (Vallejo Model Color) - Per Mike Starmer 1 part 70.822 1 part 70.888 7 parts 70.921

    2 years ago

  • Warlords of Erehwon: the Aftermath - Guest Post: My friend Albert wrote a great little short story recounting the aftermath of our first game of Warlords of Erehwon, which I posted about a cou...

    2 years ago

  • Rashaar - I have finished painting up my Rashaar starter crew/warband. I have had great fun painting these up and yes they are all stood in puddles it helps them mov...

    2 years ago

  • Mongol War Machines - This post is my recently completed heavy fire power for my fantastical Mongol collection. The crew are a combination of bits. Heads from FireForge Mongol p...

    2 years ago

  • Norse Giant - Evening all! My last post was an update on my 3rd edition Warhammer Norse army, and I mentioned in it that I had a Norse Giant on the way - well, here he ...

    2 years ago

  • [Review] Baccus 6mm Punic Wars Range - Another review, this time of my latest batch of figures (a present from my wife) which arrived this week. After being impressed by the new Age of Hannibal ...

    2 years ago

  • D'Anjou - 'May you live in interesting times' is the traditional Chinese curse and my goodness, they just about got it right. I was astonished to turn on the website...

    2 years ago

  • Blood Bowl Replacements Videos - This blog is pretty much dead right now. If you are reading this... hello! Check out these awesome Blood Bowl animations Superjail style!

    2 years ago

  • Hot Reception - Gun and crew by Hinchliffe (SYW range)Christmas is an anxious time if you're Hessian - but this year we're ready for you Mr Washington!

    2 years ago

  • The Devil In Your Head – Part 3 - Well I wasn't planning on writing anymore on my mental health issues but sometimes things conspire against you and the only way to battle it is to be open,...

    2 years ago

  • Battle Ravens Preview - PSC games - Battle Ravens is a brand new boardgame created by Dan Mersey and produced by the Plastic Soldier Company (http://www.pscgames.co.uk/). Apologies to both as...

    3 years ago

  • Car Wars Variant [draft] - Ideas and pics of my CW mod: Hotwheels Scale (CW car-truck bases.cdr) New Turn Key ("turn key.cdr" and "turn key v2.cdr") Modular Arena (cw arena 3.jpg) New...

    3 years ago

  • Stayin' alive - Dear visitors of the blog...... It has been a while since the last update. Various people tried to take care of this blog and for other various reasons one...

    3 years ago

  • TFM has shut down - Ed posted this; Hello folks. it's with a heavy heart that I must announce that Troll Forged Miniatures is winding down operations. Our casting services wil...

    3 years ago

  • Moving - For the time being, I've moved all my blogging to here: https://strangevistas.wordpress.com/

    3 years ago

  • How to paint Rusty Krieg?? - Long time no see! Among the many projects I have been working on, and yes I do still live... are some Krieg. I was inspired to do some Krieg by my friend ...

    3 years ago

  • WIP 1:72 Uruk-hai Pikemen - Painting up the Fighting Uruk-hai armed with pikes and fighting in phalanx formation. 1:72 Dark Alliance half-orcs.

    3 years ago

  • Helloween: Lord Of Skulls/ Imperial Knight Kitbash: It's NOT a Kytan damn you! - Look, I already know what you are saying: "TJ shut up, bro, it's a Kytan." and you'd probably be right, which is why I am posting these blue-tac fittings...

    3 years ago

  • Averaigne royal family - Every kingdom has a royal family. In the case of my campaign setting of Averaigne, it's a fairly young kingdom but they are still on their eleventh king in...

    3 years ago

  • - I'm not sure if anyone comes here anymore but a couple of years I relaunched this site as Goaterdammerung which you can find at http://goatmajor.org.uk . I...

    3 years ago

  • Nintendo Switch – Quali Accessori? - La Nintendo Switch è sicuramente una console fantastica per la sua portabilità ma anche per la sua versatilità: Console handheld, Console domestica e Conso...

    3 years ago

  • Marine invasion - Another great game of Team Yankee in 20mm tonight with Mark Piper. US Marines come ashore in Denmark 1985 to counter a Soviet offensive but are pushed ba...

    3 years ago

  • Boarding Parties - A couple of stands to represent RN boarding parties or sailors with small-arms put ashore For CD3 the count as 'other' so of limited use, expecting speci...

    3 years ago

  • Moving To www. - For the last month or so I've been working on moving my blog and web presence over to www.iowagrognard.com . Blogger has been kind to me as have all ...

    3 years ago

  • Bargain basement, unpainted miniatures! GHQ, Pico Armor, AB, Hallmark 1/6000 - I've had several unsuccessful attempts at painting this past year, and it seems likely that I'll never paint at the level I once did. With that, I'm clear...

    3 years ago

  • - hi My https://goo.gl/WTP3mS

    3 years ago

  • Turkemen, part 1 - The first post regarding some of my Half-Continent hobby work in a long time can be found here < link

    3 years ago

  • New YouTube Channel "Little Wars TV" - First off I haven't died. I've had a bunch of life changes but I'm committed to bringing Daddy's Little Men back to life starting by sharing what I've been...

    3 years ago

  • Long time no see, - All aboard? The PLA are moving out, on their way to establishing a new homebase somewhere better suited for rapid deployment to your gamingtables. The rang...

    3 years ago

  • A question of storage - It's not a question I have ever thought about. In fact apart from 1 storage case I either use some old A4 paper boxes or I use the really useful plastic on...

    3 years ago

  • Greek Light Cavalry - Some Greek Light Cavalry; from the Victrix set of the same name. I did add in a few heads from the spares box.

    3 years ago

  • The problems with Geek culture - how big are they? - So, blogging, it would seem, is something I find hard to keep up with!!! I think that's an understatement. I find it far easier to post to forums and to cr...

    3 years ago

  • Savage Orcs 1987: First Rank Painted - Hello! Here's the first rank of the old Savages painted. It's a pleasure to give these old classics a new coat of paint... These are gonna work as "Skulks...

    3 years ago

  • Dark Sun Dwarf - What seems like many moons ago, I sculpted a Dwarf that represented what I felt one from the D&D Dark Sun world would look like. It took awhile, but I thin...

    3 years ago

  • - I thought I would pop in after a long time away and give you a bit of an update. Recently I have been working on a new range of 28mm figures for the Winte...

    3 years ago

  • New url for the forum - The new url for the Impetus forum is http://impetus.darkbb.com/

    3 years ago

  • Fireforge Byzantines Part 1 - This, my Byzantine blog, was my second blog and first appeared (a few days after my Spartan one) back in November 2005. At the time, with the purchase ...

    3 years ago

  • Imperial Guard get their first run - Took what will eventually be my Cadian 317th Regiment "The Lost and Forlorn" out for their first game last night. Went up against a fun Genestealer cult l...

    3 years ago

  • Rewrite of Fighting in Built Up Area Rules - For the past month or so we have tried to update the existing rules for combat in a built up area. The problem we have experienced is that the rules aff...

    3 years ago

  • Cult of Slaanesh - Dark Elf Sorceress - I did this conversion quite some time ago and have looked forward to painting it ever since - but never gotten around to it until now. I know dark elves ar...

    3 years ago

  • CRISIS POINT 2018 - Richard P's AAR's - Links to the four parts of my Crisis Point 2018 AAR http://atomicrenegade.blogspot.co.uk/2018/04/crisis-point-2018-part-one.html http://atomicrenegade.bl...

    3 years ago

  • A Long Time Ago.... - I've been a Star Wars fan ever since my 11 year old imagination got carried away by that Star Destroyer looming onto the screen firing at Princess Leia's c...

    3 years ago

  • Blackmoore's Dragoons for Tomorrow's War - Blackmoore's Dragoons (Platoon) Troop Quality.....................................................D8-D10 Morale.................................................

    3 years ago

  • Chintoys 54mm plastic Mounted Confederate Leaders - I picked up this set before the Union set as they are expensive and the subjects are better riding horses than the Union set. Lee and Jackson look more com...

    3 years ago

  • Watch the Mac Fam stream D&D Live on Twitch Tuesdays and Sundays! - If you want to hear the Steve and Sean O get real nerdy with Dungeons and Dragons, the team is now streaming games live! Check us out on our Twitch page at...

    3 years ago

  • HELSREACH: The Movie - Vol. 1 - So I've had a bunch of requests for this and I figured with 10 episodes in the can, now would be a good time to do it.

    3 years ago

  • Things are rumbling along! - So, the launch of the Kickstarter for my book ARMIES & LEGIONS & HORDES went off with a bang! It funded in three hours, and has continued to go great gun...

    3 years ago

  • Against The Giants, Part II - As promised, I'm back. The image hosting issues have been thankfully resolved, so here is part deux of Against The Giants (on the cheap). After the Steadin...

    3 years ago

  • The age of the Condottieri - The Age of the Condottieri supplement now available. Free download at THIS LINK

    3 years ago

  • Testing miniature photography with my good old GUO... - I made several test shots of my Great Unclean One miniature using light tent, tripod and "daylight" bulbs... This particular photo has been quickly edited ...

    3 years ago

  • Armée Maya - Et voici ma nouvelle armée pour ADG. Des Mayas, peints par Siaba. Du très beau boulot ! Ya plus qu'à les jouer !

    3 years ago

  • Small men, big month - It has been forever since I've had motivation to paint, which is unfortunate. But what is fortunate, is that I got over myself a little regarding that, and...

    3 years ago

  • Touching base..January update - Well we are now into February already and it's time to check in on the past month to fill in the gaps not covered by the past few posts. The Painting an...

    3 years ago

  • Giant Gorillas and Tattoos - The Drowned Earth have just shared another couple of paintjobs I did for them so I guess it's only right that I pop them up here on the blog, with some bon...

    3 years ago

  • Victrix War Elephant part 2 - I filled the very small gaps in the elephant body halves and filed them. These were not gaping holes by any means and I only needed a bit of Games Work...

    3 years ago

  • Damnation - Got to the club the other night and tripped on a carpet runner. Result one box of plastic miniatures dropped. Broken shields, heads, javelins, swords and ho...

    3 years ago

  • Perry Miniatures plastic Zulus: Part 1 - I have a lot of unpainted Zulus but none of them are really satisfactory. Empress' British metals are marvellous but their Zulus are small, anatomicall...

    3 years ago

  • - At a local gaming event I met Jacob Fathbruckner of Iron Wind Metals he ran a demo game of Chaos Wars a free set of wargames rules from Iron Wind and Ra...

    3 years ago

  • Review of 2017 - Well, it's that time of year again. For those of you still following, if you haven't noticed a distinct downward trend over the past year or two, I'm su...

    3 years ago

  • This is the Night - "I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till I drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I ha...

    3 years ago

  • Epilogue - udate2017/I've noticed this blog is now rendered useless because of new photobucket image sharing rules. I hope to recover images sometime in the future. ...

    3 years ago

  • Belgian Force Publique Uniforms - Here are a couple of shots I took of Belgian Force Publique uniforms in the Musée Royal de l'Armée et d'Histoire Militaire in Brussels. They appear to...

    3 years ago

  • New Releases - December 2017 - Hi Folks!Time for some new releases! This time we got some two packs of new Undead Orcs, four 1/300 aircrafts, MDF bases and something new - Elton's perso...

    3 years ago

  • It has been a bit - Well, in the interim, I have been prepping for a career change, and this blog has been lying fallow, as most of my game energy has been devoted to learnin...

    3 years ago

  • NEW RANGE: Romanians for WW2 - Already leaked in a couple of forums and finally ready for release is a complete new range! Subject is the *Romanian Army of World War Two*. The miniatu...

    3 years ago

  • French Line Infantry - Here are two battalions of 1812 to 1815 French Line Infantry. The figures are all Perry Miniatures, a mix of plastic and metal and most of them...

    4 years ago

  • Frostgrave warband - Some pics of my first Frostgrave warband. This group is from a variety of sources, and heavily customized. Here's some of the raw material for conversion: ...

    4 years ago

  • Gonzo Sci-Fantasy - What is it? - Hello all, It's been a bit since I blogged on gaming in general. Life has taken over and I am pretty sure that blogs have been relegated to a bit of an o...

    4 years ago

  • Tau of War Masterpiece Commissions: Cypher - Cypher is a hunted man. The Dark Angel Interrogator Chaplains are relentless in their pursuit, following every lead no matter how bizarre. Cypher cannot fa...

    4 years ago

  • END OF YEAR SALE : up to 40% off. - END OF THE YEAR SALE. up to 40% off plus free models. HI everyone, we are starting our end of the year sale a little early this year to make sure we get al...

    4 years ago

  • Ctrl-Alt-Del: the Day after Crisis - What better time to restart this blog than what is to me the watershed moment of the gaming year: the Crisis show by the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp. Right now...

    4 years ago

  • It's One Hundred and One Years Since The Pennine Fusiliers Disappeared - Today sees the one hundred and first anniversary of the disappearance of the 13th Battalion of the Pennine Fusiliers from the Somme. Popular myth has it...

    4 years ago

  • Completed Deff Dread for Dreadtober 2017 - Despite this being one of the busiest months I've had in a long while, I have managed to finish the Deff Dread for Dreadtober 2017. Adding another stompi...

    4 years ago

  • October already? - The annual update was meant as a joke initially, but has become a sad reality. This year blogging has taken a severe hit by Photobucket's policy change. M...

    4 years ago

  • The Teasers - *Word Document* *JPG's of the original article (be warned - they're quite big!)* *Teaser Title* *Teaser Description* *February '78 (Battle)* *Page 1 (1.8Mb...

    4 years ago

  • Greetings - This is my first post

    4 years ago

  • 12th legion Angry Boiz - While working on the noble lads of the azure 13th, I was also expanding the footprint of their temperamental cousins in the 12th. At this point this is my ...

    4 years ago

  • Painting Fall 2016 - Fall saw me switching gears pretty radically from power armor to organic. I wanted to make Tyranids work in 7th edition. They where dog meat and not at al...

    4 years ago

  • Pipping the Ride - So while waiting on the new paint brushes and paints I started looking at what kind of tanks I want to use with my Tank Rider Platoon, and the Soviets offe...

    4 years ago

  • 3D printed Dropzone Commander buildings - A couple of early prototypes of the 3D printed buildings I'm designing for Dropzone Commander:

    4 years ago

  • Things and Sculpting: Footguards and Stuff - Things? Things are slow, so slow I haven't been bothered to post about them till now. Bit sick of painting.... it was actually boring, tedious even! Didn'...

    4 years ago

  • WSS - Livgarden til Fods - I am just about to start painting the Livgarde til Fods for my reboot of my WSS project but I have a couple of questions that need answering, so I am makin...

    4 years ago

  • Lord Carver, BMMD - And, what better model to finish up this stretch of photobox fun, than the Lord Carver himself? I actually painted him a few months before I did that mass ...

    4 years ago

  • Spiked Shoe Cup - result = fake news trophy winner (2/14) - This past Saturday I traveled out to Kitchener/Waterloo region again to support my buddy Grant who took over running the Blingtoof/Foul Frenzy tournament...

    4 years ago

  • 15mm / 20mm MDF urban terrain kickstarter - I have backed my first kickstarter, and one that is in Australia. It is a modular MDF urban terrain system that can be purchased in either 15mm or 20mm sc...

    4 years ago

  • Hussite War Wagons - War wagons are one of those things I've often wanted but had shied away from for many years. I think I bought the first of these at a show where there wa...

    4 years ago

  • Brushing away the cobwebs. - Forgive me father, for it has been over two and a half year's since my last Grymn related post... ... but that is about to change. Sadly, there hasn't bee...

    4 years ago

  • Hello world! - Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

    4 years ago

  • Armageddon x 7 - Played a massive 7 person game of Shadow war Armageddon. A fun game with a great group of people, some great figures and great terrain.

    4 years ago

  • How To Lose Weight During Perimenopause. Even It Is Possible To Shed Weight With These Great Recommendations - Ways To Lose Weight During Postmenopause! There are plenty of inquiries that ought to be clarified when you find yourself looking for to find the very best...

    4 years ago

  • Summer 1001 - Apocalypse Now - "My Emperor," the messenger announced, "I have news of the war with the Mangu hordes." The Emperor paused briefly as he swallowed the soft flesh of the nec...

    4 years ago

  • First Hard Sci-Fi Building Project - I went to Sarissa Precision for my first hard Sci-Fi buildings. I wanted a "anywhere use" module look so they came at the top of the list online that would...

    4 years ago

  • Wild Beast Shipping Crates - So … I bought these Wild Beast Shipping Crates from 4Ground and I'm very impressed. They come flat packed in laser cut card form and could be pushed free...

    4 years ago

  • TMWWBK Zulu game - Our last game was our first group game of TMWWBK rules from Osprey. Zulus attacking the British in a defencive position much like Rorke's Drift. The Britis...

    4 years ago

  • Konwent gier bitewnych GLADIUS (16-18.06.2017) - Serdecznie zapraszamy na zbliżający się konwent. Poniżej plan wydarzenia: PIĄTEK 16.06.2017 17.00 - 20.00 Systemy: - Cold War Commander - Infinity Wydarz...

    4 years ago

  • Manfaat Olive Oil yang wajib kamu ketahui - Minyak oliva memiliki angkutan zat makanan E yang teramat berlimpah gizi E tunggal amat berperan penting yang merupakan zat makanan kulit, sehingga kita bi...

    4 years ago

  • Pulp Alley: The Leagues - Doctor Borgstrom's Laboratory - Been quiet on the blog recently but in the meantime I have managed to paint up another Pulp Alley League. I present Doctor C.Y. Borgstrom and minions..... ...

    4 years ago

  • - It's half term. Which means this is happening: It also means that I'll be trying to do something geeky. I still cant even begin to contemplate anything 40k...

    4 years ago

  • Games for Historicon 2017 - The countdown to Historicon continues and I'm still painting 3mm guys at every opportunity. Stay tuned for more photos of the latest progress. In the mean...

    4 years ago

  • 19 part 2.... As I missed 18 out - Hobby News ... No games this week, 4 sleeps til LARPCommission Painting .... Started 27 Norman knights for Simon Millerown Painting... Base painted some gl...

    4 years ago

  • Bolt Action & Battle of Kursk at Adepticon - I wanted to take a sec to share some recent Bolt Action activities that I've been involved in! Rich at Chicago Terrain Factory and I ran our 2nd year of ...

    4 years ago

  • 28mm Napoleonic Bavarian Cheveauleger and Dragoons - These lads are from Front Rank. Bavarian 1st Dragoons Bavarian Konig Cheveauleger

    4 years ago

  • I'll Bet You Forgot About Me - ...and I don't blame you, really. It's only been *several years* since I updated this thing. But hey, 8th Edition is about to drop, and if you remember way...

    4 years ago

  • Frontline Games: Cobblestone Roads & Sections – How to paint. - Painting My Cobblestone Road Sections I recently acquired some Frontline Games Cobblestone Roads & Square sections. They are made of a flexible & soft PV...

    4 years ago

  • Battlegroup Tobruk Goes Strong into the Desert - Pavlov's dogs, famously, were conditioned to salivate when hearing a bell which they associated with food. I have been similarly conditioned to associate...

    4 years ago

  • Chaos Knight 1 : On va commencer par lui mettre un genoux à terre ! - C'est encore long, mais c'est deux fois plus court que le live FB. Les phases accélérées le sont en x8. Elles pourraient l'être en x20, voire même être su...

    4 years ago

  • The haunted book - Around 1990 I worked at an antiquarian bookshop. I didn't get much money out of it, but I bought a lot of books. Some books contained ghost stories, some w...

    4 years ago

  • Photos from Adepticon 2017/Starship Troopers - Will and I ran two games of Starship Troopers at Adepticon this March. The Mobile Infantry had to venture out of their fortifications to recover a downed s...

    4 years ago

  • Keyword - Keyword belajar bahasa inggris online bahasa inggris online cara belajar bahasa inggris online belajar online bahasa inggris belajar bahasa inggris online ce...

    4 years ago

  • - The Capture of Piet Petronius-1880 A Great Solo Game-The Men Who Would Be Kings The Men Who Would is Kings (abbreviated TMWBK) is a* great*fast play Colonia...

    4 years ago

  • All Spider-man Miniature Game rules - As Knight have removed all of the Marvel content from their website, I am trying to gather it all together so people still have access to it. Today is th...

    4 years ago

  • 21 Rahasia untuk Sukses Bisnis Waralaba - 1) mengevaluasi Anda toleransi risiko Membuka bisnis baru adalah prospek yang menakutkan. Ada banyak risiko pribadi, profesional dan keuangan untuk mempe...

    4 years ago

  • MISSING: ONE CLIENT - Are you M. Taylor of Cardiff? If so, we have lost touch and need urgently to regain such. I have your models you see, the work is done and all that is nee...

    4 years ago

  • Blood Eagle - First Warband. - Pointed up the first warband for Blood Eagle. A pretty simple process but each individual needs to be thought about and the figure looked at. Meet the s...

    4 years ago

  • MDF Buildings, first crack. - It's been a long time since I posted to my blog so I have lots to cover. First off I'd like to discuss MDF buildings. These are 3mm flat MDF boards that ar...

    4 years ago

  • Grasping the nettle. - *Well, it has been a while (understatement of the day so far...) Below is my first faltering steps into what I hope/intend will be Europe's "back story" (u...

    4 years ago

  • Stalingrad Pt5: Combined Ops - After a seemingly refreshing break from the bloggasphere, Stalingrad is back! While the previous games had been some classic infantry attacks, we noted t...

    4 years ago

  • Brickman Recon Marine 1970 Vietnam - Ich habe ein neues Hobby gefunden ........ich missbrauche unschuldige Lego Figuren aus meiner Kindheit und mache daraus Figuren des Todes ! :-) Mein erstes...

    4 years ago

  • Chivalry - Medieval Warfare PS4 - I am very conscious of my continued sporadic posts of late and that my much heralded return has fallen somewhat flat. However, here I am and I thought I'd s...

    4 years ago

  • Flat Postage -

    4 years ago

  • A Painter's Disease - In our childhood we used enamel paints and our bedrooms often reeked with the smell of paint and thinners. Its not so bad these days: most painting is do...

    4 years ago

  • Martian Handling Machine - colours - HG Wells has the Martian craft as metallic. Problem there is that could be a bit dull, especially as the bridge girder work will be the same. So how to jaz...

    4 years ago

  • - Rogue stars, the first test game. I got some unexpected extra time this christmas so I took the opportunity to try to learn the basics of rogue stars by pl...

    4 years ago

  • Dark Heresy RPG group miniatures built - I finished building the characters my friends played in our last Dark Heresy campaign. Pyrokine Thug Gemma and Deathwatch Veteran Triakis Rogue Trader A...

    4 years ago

  • Sketches ON SALE - ON SALE http://www.ebay.es/itm/252634365959?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

    5 years ago

  • UPDATED: Competitive Tau Tournament List (1850) - It has been quite some time since I played Warhammer 40k. I've been very busy with RL. But next weekend my group is having another tournament. I took out ...

    5 years ago

  • Campaign dressed Poles - We've been working on developing Poles in campaign uniforms that can be used for Retreat from Moscow, Germany in 1813 and the Peninsular. The idea was to ...

    5 years ago

  • Zombicide: Black Plague - Hi guys, After a very long hiatus, I am back swinging a brush. I love miniature painting and catching up with mates to play a game. Not as much of that ...

    5 years ago

  • Spooky Robots - OK, this blog post will be posted after Halloween, but Halloween was close enough for our club for hold a Halloween themed Warmachine tournament on the 30t...

    5 years ago

  • 20 bahaya radiasi HP kamu harus tau - Bahaya radiasi Hp bagi kesehatan tubuh merupakan dampak buruk dari penggunaan ponsel yang tidak benar dan tidak mengenal batas waktu. Hp memiliki gelomban...

    5 years ago

  • Dreadtober painting and playing with oil - I didn't progress as well as I had hoped for in the Dreadtober challenge. I was supposed to be ready with the painting and the base this week but I have be...

    5 years ago

  • 5 months on - and back to some gaming (part 2) - *A blast from the past*Picking up where I left off last weekend, I thought I would start with a quick trip back to one of the old gaming weekends we held a...

    5 years ago

  • Farewell, strike the tent - A final entry here for Saxe-Bearstein. On October 2, 2016 the originator of this blog, Bluebear Jeff Hudelson, started on his journey to the Summerlands....

    5 years ago

  • Horizon Wars - 2nd Game - I'm surprised Google hasn't deleted this blog yet. Anyway, I have been kicking around a lot of different rulesets lately, trying to find something I like....

    5 years ago

  • Halo Ground Command: 15mm Covenant forces - … The post Halo Ground Command: 15mm Covenant forces appeared first on Model Dads' blog.

    5 years ago

  • Wunderlist For Windows 3.18.0 - Wunderlist - is one of the most well known cross-platform task manager and to-do list application. It is also available for Mac and instantly sync your ...

    5 years ago

  • Macro shots of the Undead Pirates and a Zombie? Creepy! - It was amazing to see the detail through the lens.... Captain Richar...

    5 years ago

  • 15mm Great Swamp Lizard - We are very pleased to release our latest 15mm fantasy model -- the Great Swamp Lizard. This towering beast can eat his way straight through entire enemy ...

    5 years ago

  • - My Takeda clan still continues to grow. Not decided on a rule set as of yet, just enjoying the painting :)

    5 years ago

  • 中华人民共和国特种设备安全法(主席令第四号) - 有与充装和管理相适应的充装设备、检测手段、场地厂房、器具、安全设施;,必要时,负责特种设备安全监督管理的部门可以越级上报事故情况。

    5 years ago

  • - Este domingo nos veremos las caras en el 1er torneo de Combat Commander, en la Summer Con. A partir de las 17:00h en la zona de juegos de mesa.

    5 years ago

  • B- 17 Queen of the Skies - Mission 159 - Target: Aschersleben Aircraft Factory - I'm part of a 'Play by Forum' group at BoardGameGeek who play the solitaire board game *B-17: Queen of the Skies* together. The group is run by BGG user '...

    5 years ago

  • Reverse Engineering: Line 6 FBV2 - The Line 6 FBV2 is a control pedal for use with older Line 6 amplifiers and effects processors. I bought it to use with our Line 6 Amplifi 75 guitar amplif...

    5 years ago

  • Castles of Cornwall - I had a week in Cornwall this year in early June, and it's a fantastic place, we were gifted with good weather as well which allowed us to get out and abo...

    5 years ago

  • Prelude to Dessau. A 'Song of Drums and Shakos' Scenario - A small mixed squad sent by the Souham French IV Corps is scouting towards Polnitz and has found a small hamlet occupied by Prussian forces from the Dobsch...

    5 years ago

  • TnT: K1LL-80T Communist Securitron - Hi Folks, In my first game I got lucky and Head Scribe Kaine managed to find and activate a military Securiton (Freelancer Depend-o-Bot) After equippin...

    5 years ago

  • Arthus vs. Mordred - I painted this wonderfull Vignette up for a fellow LAF member as a gift! Tomorrow it will be in the post...travelling back to the USA. I have now starte...

    5 years ago

  • - In the middle of a great project. Alternate Jacobite Rebellion 1745 That's correct, folks. Tartans, sporrans and jocks a'strappin'. Conceived by Chris Man...

    5 years ago

  • A new adventure… Frostgrave - Wow, it's been a long time since I updated this blog. I'd love to say that I'm going to be better with future posts but I don't suppose my track record wo...

    5 years ago

  • Sky Pirates of Venus - Teaser - Sky Pirates have been the scourge of the Worm Empire of Venus for years, and the Great Worm has had enough! He sends a team of four crack worm commandos to...

    5 years ago

  • The Sealed Knot in Mayfair 1970 - Here from the October 1970 issue of *Mayfair *magazine is an article on the, then, relatively new English Civil War re-enactment society The Sealed Knot. ...

    5 years ago

  • Law Enforcement - Hi! I've managed to paint up a few law enforcement officers for Jim to avoid! Outland Judge Patrol I ended up going for the classic Judge Dredd paint sch...

    5 years ago

  • A Visit to Ojo Marron - ( Editor's note: after many years of distraction in other games I'm returning to the game I started grand-detail construction many years ago. The Idea is ...

    5 years ago

  • Sources For The Interwar Gamer - I have been meaning to add some content here for a long time, apparently three years of a long time in fact, how time flies. So with this post I hope to ki...

    5 years ago

  • Serce gracza / A player's heart - Czwarte mistrzostwa *"Ogniem i Mieczem"* mamy za sobą. Skończyła się także akcja, mająca na celu wsparcie leczenia mojego syna, poprzez kupno specjalnej f...

    5 years ago

  • "...There is Only War." - On a personal note, I recently moved from the lovely state of Virginia to the wonderful state of Ohio. Things are different here. I miss my gaming partners...

    5 years ago

  • Blood Eagle - I don't quite know how I managed to miss the development of Blood Eagle, from the team that bought us In Her Majesty's Name. But I have only just found...

    5 years ago

  • So we thought it was going to be a small game. - Ever had one of those game events were you thought it was just going to be a small 6 player gamer but turned into an 10 player event? Well that was out Sat...

    5 years ago

  • WWPD Painting Article - In case you missed it, I did write a painting article for my friends at WWPD. Check it out and leave feedback here if you wish. http://www.wwpd.net/2016/0...

    5 years ago

  • Hunting the Bantha - Hunting Banthas Well, the Bantha Rider has arrived for Imperial Assault and we are now experiencing just how rough something like this fast-moving lump of ...

    5 years ago

  • Tigers on the Hunt released - And the game is released. http://www.matrixgames.com/products/578/details/TigersontheHunt

    5 years ago

  • Pig Iron Stock update - Hi all, just a quick one to let you know we have received a box of show stock back from The Bunker yesterday - this has all been added back onto the site. ...

    5 years ago

  • Rules: Living on the Frontline - Well, there's life in the old dog yet! It's been a while since I last posted anything here but the creative juices are starting to stir, least of all beca...

    5 years ago

  • How to make: Saxon Huts - Hi Chaps, Hope you are all well. These past few days, I've been working on some new projects, for a new game, that I think you already know, it is called ...

    5 years ago

  • Hydro C Obat Kanker Terbaik Mempublikasikan : ENZIM AWET MUDA by DR Hiromi Shinya, MD - HydroC Obat Kanker Terbaik Mempublikasikan : ENZIM AWET MUDA, by DR Hiromi Shinya, MD Terdapat berbagai jenis enzim awet muda dalam sel. Salah satu yang ...

    5 years ago

  • El Cid - Reconquista pt 8 - I have just finished up four bases of Skirmish bow. I have been busy with school - still - so I have not had too much time for painting. I am at least on t...

    5 years ago

  • Clearhorizon Omega Squad - Mr. Harold sent me these a while ago, and I finally got around to painting them. The delay was mainly that the neck length bothered me, so it took a while ...

    5 years ago

  • Infinity Starting Nomads - Part I - A New Force - Ever since Operation Icestorm and N3 hit in late 2014, I wanted to write an article that would break down how to start collecting a Nomads force. Every ...

    5 years ago

  • Modern Russian painting guide. - I have been having fun painting some of our Empress modern Russians. The research was based on what I could find on Google and not too surprisingly many o...

    5 years ago

  • 28mm Russians in Central Asia Game - Turcomen attack the Cossacks On New Year's Day we played a Two Hour Wargames Colonial Adventures Central Asian game, with Russians, Bokharans, Pathans, Tu...

    5 years ago

  • - Nautican Design Notes Blog (for regular updates) the origin of the Nauticans *click army book cover below to download draft 5.0 of the PDF*

    5 years ago

  • Encounter at Alghaz -- June, 1876 - Rob and Murdock came over to fight an Afristan campaign encounter. For reasons which I will shortly explain, I do not have much memory of the game. First,...

    5 years ago

  • Re-Kill (2015) - Play Full Re-Kill in High QualityNow you can download full Re-Kill in best video format with duration 87 Min and has been aired on 2015-10-16 and MPAA rat...

    5 years ago

  • A lot on the painting front - Hello everyone. Today's post might be a bit brief, but who knows. Up until a few days ago, I was engaged in a French bloggers painting competition, an equi...

    5 years ago

  • Scenery First - Well it's been a busy few weeks, just for a change, and since my last post I have received the Liche Lord goodies I bought on Nickstarter, even more into t...

    6 years ago

  • Blog re-launched (elsewhere) - Hi all, I haven't gone completely offline – I simply moved my blog elsewhere (as I mentioned much earlier). Now you can catch me at our Chest of Colors web...

    6 years ago

  • The Last Post - The South London Warlord blog has moved to Wordpress on the main SLW site, address is over here or, in cut n' paste format http://www.salute.co.uk/blog/

    6 years ago

  • Dust Tactics: Pegasus Models 1/48th V2 Rocket - Ever since I started playing Dust Tactics I had an idea about having a V2 rocket on the table. For me, rockets exemplify the Weird War II style and I wan...

    6 years ago

  • Age of Sigmar: the first battle - After coming to terms with the death of the Warhammer Fantasy I've known since my start in wargaming, I decided to purchase and paint the starter box for A...

    6 years ago

  • Daftar Lowongan Kerja Di Jakarta November 2015 Terbaru - *Lowongan Kerja Di Jakarta November 2015* - Lowongan Kerja Terbaru memberikan informasi terbaru mengenai *info lowongan pekerjaan 2015* yang sedang anda ca...

    6 years ago

  • FlamesCon 2015 - *Slight Disclaimer in a moment of crazy after tourney brain I posted this to my clubs blog page you should visit it anyway for awesome after club reports...

    6 years ago

  • The 5th Outrim War: 297th Imperial Fleet - Gamelea Redux - *Once I realized I had messed up the set-up budget for my campaign, I had to sit down and recrunch the numbers. While I was about it, I expanded the Fleet ...

    6 years ago

  • New CoC Campaign - Operation Martlet - Hi All, Just a quick update this time. Rich has been madly researching away and has released the latest in his series of ridiculously low-priced 'Pint Size...

    6 years ago

  • The new website is here: corvusminiatures.com - Today I am very happy and proud to announce my new website: corvusminiatures.com! *Important: this will mark the end of my activities on Blogspot. Please ...

    6 years ago

  • - So we're back! Did a stock take today to see what I've got, and this was what it looked like: The stuff in blue is from a second hand haul I grabbed when...

    6 years ago

  • - *Don't worry, we just moved.* TBMB is still here. But the URL has changed. Click here: http://boringminiatureblog.blogspot.com Cheers Admin Tom

    6 years ago

  • Grace of Monaco (2014) Se Fuld Film - Spille film *Grace of Monaco* i high definition kvalitet. Download film *Grace of Monaco* i high definition-format. Fuld streaming *Grace of Monaco* i HD...

    6 years ago

  • elegant wedding shoes in 2015 - [image: awesome satin wedding shoes by shoekandi] you are now visiting* awesome satin wedding shoes by shoekandi* , And in this page we have more than 5 be...

    6 years ago

  • ThreeZero Getter 1 and Getter Zero Black...!!! - [image: ThreeZero Getter Black] I have to admit, this is one of the few toys that i'm pretty excited about. threezero making a 16" of Getter 1 and Getter Z...

    6 years ago

  • Catching Up - Wow, I have been slack here. No new posts since February. But I have done a ton of painting and completed several projects, not least of which is my Tallar...

    6 years ago

  • Happy Hobbit Day or A Year Has Come And Gone - I knew it had been a long time. The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months without me fully comprehending the significance of the gap. Then one...

    6 years ago

  • Grimlocks in 15mm - Here are 12 grimlocks for dnd 5th ed.....15mm Picts from copplestone. Back from a long break in gaming....looking forward to a little dungeons and dragons s...

    6 years ago

  • A visit on board the Russian Frigate Shtandart - The other weekend we were down in Cowes for a long weekend to watch the Cowes Torquay Cowes powerboat race. We were all having dinner on Friday night in...

    6 years ago

  • Kings of War First Impressions - As I mentioned in the August update, I have been playing a bit of Kings of war lately. With Games Workshop pulling the plug on their fantasy community, th...

    6 years ago

  • New Blog for Age of Sigmar - Hi Everyone, I've decided to create a separate blog for my latest hobby interest: Age of Sigmar. While many voices bemoan the *downfall *of Warhammer Fanta...

    6 years ago

  • Hordes and Heroes on Hexes - Alliteration FTW!! Wow! Doesn't time fly? It's hard to believe it's been nearly a year since I posted anything here, but there's been a fairly good reason ...

    6 years ago

  • My New Home - Decided to move everything over to - www.johnnyshoots.com.au Miniatures and photography!

    6 years ago

  • Song of Blades: Hammer and Forge on Kickstarter - Ganesha Games launches Song of Blades: Hammer and Forge Kickstarter. The kickstarter has begun with enormous success, being already over basic funding, but...

    6 years ago

  • Dukes Soldiers - Hi These are the first of the Dukes troops for his flying column, they are Newline figures from their late colonial range, again all 20mm, I need some supp...

    6 years ago

  • The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) Hoge kwaliteit - Best The Stanford Prison Experiment in HD Format. Now you can watch full The Stanford Prison Experiment in HD quality with duration 120 Min and has been l...

    6 years ago

  • I am alive part 2 - And as I promised, here is the big update that I have been talking about: My Prussians are based on the *Großgörschen* OoB from the General de Brigade sce...

    6 years ago

  • Scott Johnson, aka Col. Kilgore, has passed away - On Thursday Scott lost his fight against cancer. He was 45 years old and leaves behind his wife Ashley and 12 year old son Nicholas. Scott was a good na...

    6 years ago

  • 20mm WW2 - US M3A1 halftracks - Well, these took me a while to finish. They were 90% done in Januari and I've been staring at them on my workbench since. Until last month... I finally ha...

    6 years ago

  • New! Confederate Cavalry Flag Sets. 28mm - The all new ACW Confederate Cavalry flag sets are now available. These carefully designed flags are the perfect accompaniment to our established infantry...

    6 years ago

  • Modular Lego Dungeon in the Works - I'm working on a modular Lego dungeon set for my kids and I to game with. I had several castle sets as a kid, so I have lots of grey pieces to work with. I...

    6 years ago

  • Get a 4th off on the 4th - Get 25% off orders over $50 now until July 5th with coupon code! Use the code 4thoff in the Coupon Code Box at checkout and get 25% off your order. Hurry c...

    6 years ago

  • New 15mm SciFi Minis - Some newer scifi minis comparison shots (I need to paint more...): 

    6 years ago

  • Affordable Wedding Halls - Creating a beneficial property inner surface or maybe exterior layout will be the imagine every single persons. Naturally, while using numerous patterns th...

    6 years ago

  • Waterloo (1970) the souvenir programme - Everyone else on the wargaming blogosphere seems to be celebrating the 200th anniversary of Waterloo today with quite a few posts featuring the poster f...

    6 years ago

  • A quick update. - Just a quick update as I've not posted in a while. Work on the 15mm Feudal English army for DBA continues (photos to follow) and should should be complet...

    6 years ago

  • A Farewell to Hamster - This will be my last post on Mechanical Hamster and that's the sort of occasion that gives me the excuse opportunity to look back over the past years and r...

    6 years ago

  • Last call, all aboard. - If you're still a subscriber to 'Drop-Pod' this is pretty much the final call to hop across to the shinier and much more frequently updated Studio Dropsh...

    6 years ago

  • Space Marine Command Tank Rules - I'm back from vacation! Sorry for the dearth of articles recently. The Space Marine's Command Tanks rules have been leaked. Check out the two images below ...

    6 years ago

  • Maelstrom's Edge - Over the last couple of years, hobby time has been at a premium, and what time I've had has been dedicated to a project that I can say I'm very excited t...

    6 years ago

  • Well, well, well... - A Flintloque Battle Report - It has been a long time since my last update, mostly for health reasons. Without giving to much detail, you can imagine things are pretty awful when you ca...

    6 years ago

  • First time painting in a long time, I need new paints... - Worked on some of the DV Chaos Marines I had sitting around... man am I rusty.

    6 years ago

  • Eastern shacks by Battlefield Accessories are complete! - It's only taken two years and ten months, but the Eastern shacks I bought from Mike Parker of Battlefield Accessories are complete! They turned out very ni...

    6 years ago

  • Moving On - It's been a long while since I've posted here. Since I've started this blog four years ago, you guys and gals have given me a tremendous amount of inspirat...

    6 years ago

  • Quotes About Friendship Tumblr - For Kate, Stephanie sends New Yorker covers or Toni Morrison quotes; for Stephanie to be present and playing an active role in each other's lives." The Tum...

    6 years ago

  • Recent Work - Just a quick update tonight to show a model I recently completed for a reboot of the painting competition on the Steve Dean Forum. I started this for one ...

    6 years ago

  • Salute Loot - So I picked up a few things at Salute this year (it seemed rude not to): 1. The new Perry Light Cavalry for the WotR / 1450-1500 - three boxes (I m...

    6 years ago

  • Still Shambiling around - I am still shambling around. Due to some real life situations I was without reliable internet access for a while there. Hopefully everything will work out ...

    6 years ago

  • Checking In... - Friends I have lost my focus. Since my last post my Mother became ill and passed away. I guess I am the proof that regardless of how old you are, losing a p...

    6 years ago

  • Caftan Marocain Rouge : Collection 2015 Vente en Ligne - A toutes nos clientes qui nous demandent les dernières tendances du takchita et caftan marocain 2015 en couleur Rouge , coupes et tissues à la mode de cett...

    6 years ago

  • C21 Air War Vietnam Defense - Finished the AA hexes representing 37mm and greater. With a few more 1/300 planes to order I will be complete with this range. The larger bases are 1.5" Li...

    6 years ago

  • No Mean City Session 1.1 "National Express" - Session 1.1 THE NATIONAL EXPRESS * Take the National Express when your life's in a mess It'll make you smile All human life is here...

    6 years ago

  • Waterloo, Braine l'Alleud - Was lucky enough to visit the Waterloo battlefield in Belgium last week, it has been on my bucket list for a long time. I wasn't disappointed, 200 years h...

    6 years ago

  • 15mm War & Conquest figure - One of West Wind's new War and Conquest figures. Almost spot on 15mm foot to eye. To small for me to paint anyway. I've put them on eBay!

    6 years ago

  • Pardon My Dust - If you visit here with any regularity, you'll have noticed a lack of actual, you know, website or anything. Sorry about that. The website is getting a face...

    6 years ago

  • Jacdaw 30mm WAS Austrians by Leftbank Workshops - A bit of painting I did quite a few months ago for Leftbank Workshops who have now acquired the molds for these figures. Nice Old School feel to these figu...

    6 years ago

  • CONAN , the board game - Some friends who bought into the Conan board game kickstarter printed out the starter gameboard, cards an other items, made a dice conversion sheet and we ...

    6 years ago

  • Word to the wise! - "Don't start a new job and a new miniature project at the same time" -The Doc But boy are these fun to paint! I've finally decided to go full Warlord fo...

    6 years ago

  • - If you want to know a secret What are you waiting for? If you want to ask me somethingI can tell you so much more If you want to cause me trouble It's not ...

    6 years ago

  • AD&D 2E – Sri Vaasa Campaign #1 - We started playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition and this here highlights the beginning of the campaign.

    6 years ago

  • - Not going to be maintaining the FF blog on Google anymore. Mainly because of this which seems to be the thin end of the wedge. http://www.theguardian.co...

    6 years ago

  • Some reinforcements for SoBaH - Hey Guys, I have painted some miniatures as reinforcements for my Song of Blades & Heroes warbands. The whole group together. On the left two Norse or...

    6 years ago

  • An old project returns... - The monstrosity from the front.Way back in 2011 I posted my plans for an improvised tank killer on an old 38(t) chassis. Following a move of house it was...

    6 years ago

  • D&D PLAYER CHARACTERS - Made a start on my D&D project, these are the start of my player characters, this group is the Magic User/ Thief and Assassin set, Thief on the left then...

    6 years ago

  • X-Wing: Here Comes IG-88! - Get ready for everyone's 2nd favorite bounty hunter. The IG-2000 is hitting a tabletop near you soon. Read more »

    6 years ago

  • Anker® Astro E1 5200mAh Ultra External Battery Review - Maybe you had your cellular phone, tablet, and many others., battery die but not be capable of charge it? It's a really frustrating experience. This is whe...

    6 years ago

  • Fenris Games Goatkin - Ernie and Vic - Beastmen 5 - Hello all, last two of the Fenris Goatkin - the Goatkin Warrior Ernie and the Goatkin Scout Vic. [image: Goatkin, Fenris, beastmen, painted, Scout, Vic, E...

    6 years ago

  • Pirates at the Shed! - *A view down the board* Eric the Shed kindly invited me over to his splendid shed for my first game of 2015. This was doubly exciting as not only was it...

    6 years ago

  • Looking Ahead to 2015 - Time for my obligatory attempt to state what I'm going to work on this year. I think it's pretty safe to say I'm probably going to get involved with some...

    6 years ago

  • A Very Merry Christmas! - A Very Merry Christmas to One and All, from the Grand Duchy of Hetzenberg.

    6 years ago

  • Ogre Project - I may already have the Ogre leaning on the two handed sword bought, waiting on ebay to finish the bidding on it. Green = have it, Red = Don't have it ye...

    6 years ago

  • French Dragoon, Retreat from Moscow - A dismounted French dragoon during the retreat from Moscow, Winter 1812-13 This is for sale on eBay- http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pro-Painted-Perry-Miniatures-D...

    6 years ago

  • Julian's Order Part 3. 18mm AB Figs - Prussians & French Please not these Pictures are for the customer ... We do not at this point straighten Swords ect for risk of Breaking them. ...

    6 years ago

  • Official end of the blog - Yep, this blog is no longer in use. But... I have created a new one, please visit! Of Eagles and Frogs

    7 years ago

  • A Christmas Fantasy Campaign - Next month, I'll be heading back to the UK for the 1st time in nearly 2 years. Me and my brother Matt have been talking about arranging some games of W...

    7 years ago

  • New(ish) man cave. - Hello all, A few months back the wife wanted my son to have a larger room so I was kicked out of the guest room into a smaller room. The bribe was it would...

    7 years ago

  • - Well... having finally moved in and being some-what settled, my new gaming room is now nearly there. There are still a few pics to be framed and put up, bu...

    7 years ago

  • I Luvz Free And Excellent !!! - Wargame Bloggers Quarterly Free Magazine V1-02 V1-01 Outstanding !!! The Colonel.

    7 years ago

  • Ship Crew & Ship Quirk Cards - Been a good while since we've had an update for Leviathans. Things are still moving behind the scenes. For example we've been making progress with smaller,...

    7 years ago

  • Happy Halloween - Happy Halloween from A Gentleman's Ones and from Anvil Eight Games. Let's hear it for High Fructose Corn Syrup! complements of Chris "one take" Tavonatti

    7 years ago

  • Noble Knight games comes through again!!! - I have just concluded several transactions with Noble Knight games, the first being some ASL stuff mainly and then some miscellaneous hex and counter games...

    7 years ago

  • Machiavelli summer 1457 - This turn saw a massive swing in fortunes. I had realised that my aggressive assault on Florence was going to make me a threat to my neighbours but I had...

    7 years ago

  • Nova Cara Novo Nome Novo Sitio / New Look New Name New Place - Esta ja a funcionar o novo Blog com a nova imagem e novo Nome It is already running the new Blog with new look an name ...

    7 years ago

  • *** Watch Berserk: The Golden Age Arc 3 - Descent Movie Full Streaming Online - *** Watch Berserk: The Golden Age Arc 3 - Descent Movie Full Streaming Online [image: Watch Berserk: The Golden Age Arc 3 - Descent Movie Full Streaming On...

    7 years ago

  • Unit of Beardlings - These are Alternative Armies Young Dwafs with a champion from Heartbreaker mins. Alternative Armies recently re released these. Great little mins to paint...

    7 years ago

  • ($) Watch The Inbetweeners 2 Full Movie Streaming Online - ($) Watch The Inbetweeners 2 Full Movie Streaming Online [image: Watch The Inbetweeners 2 Full Movie Streaming Online] ($) Free Watch The Inbetweeners 2 Stre...

    7 years ago

  • Royal Yugoslav Air Force Hawker Fury II - Here's my latest effort: a Hawker Fury II in the markings of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force. The Fury was, of course, an iconic fighter of the 1930's RAF, b...

    7 years ago

  • Warhammer Fantasy Battle Database Update - Current edition army books only filter, 5,000 searchable battles archive, double batrep notes and more exclusive member accolades. Hi folks, I've been twea...

    7 years ago

  • Back to School Sale - Save 50%! Sale ends soon! Back to School Time! Start Learning to Sculpt NOW! We are happy to announce we have released the second course in our three part F...

    7 years ago

  • ^(# Watch Kick-Ass Movie Full Streaming Online - ^(# Watch Kick-Ass Movie Full Streaming Online [image: Watch Kick-Ass Movie Full Streaming Online] ^(# Free Watch Kick-Ass Streaming Online Runtime 117 minut...

    7 years ago

  • Dornier Skyservant - Hace más de treinta años que hice mi primer Skyservant. Logicamente no ha sobrevivido tanto tiempo, pero encontré una maqueta original de Matchbox de aquel...

    7 years ago

  • %## Watch The Right Stuff Movie Streaming - [image: Watch The Right Stuff Movie Streaming] %## Free Watch The Right Stuff Streaming Online Runtime 193 minutes and Released on 1983-10-21 MPAA Rating is...

    7 years ago

  • Bolt Action WW1 from Osprey - The recent slew of WW1 tanks gave it away but Osprey have just officially announced a publication date for Bolt Action WW1 rules of a year from now. Th...

    7 years ago

  • A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away - So... A long time has passed and much have changed. Last time I wrote a post on this blog of mine, we were barely into the 6th edition of Warhammer 40k. No...

    7 years ago

  • Bolt Action Apocalypse - 6000 points of models and 60 order dice! - What happens when you take three guys, a bunch of free time, an empty gaming store and a big load of models? ....Bolt Action Apocalypse! :-) Having the c...

    7 years ago

  • Deadbeat Advertiser?!?!?!? - I just noticed that I have been listed as a deadbeat advertiser at The Miniatures Page. I asked Mr Armintrout over 12 months ago to cease the advertising d...

    7 years ago

  • The vexillum - The Aventine Miniatures EIR range just gets better and better!

    7 years ago

  • Another Tease -

    7 years ago

  • 1910: The Battle of Purleigh (part two) - The British reaction to the surprise German invasion in September 1910 was criticised by the press as being tardy and it took almost a week for the first m...

    7 years ago

  • DBA Early Crusaders vs Ayyubid Egyptian - Greetings!!! It's been far to long, but we've managed to have a game of DBA. To be fair the horrors are growing up & doing what teenagers do. Gaming ha...

    7 years ago

  • - Different views still wip.

    7 years ago

  • Sungem Run Review by UndeadViking - G'day guys, You may have seen a bit of information filtered through the blog of our next game 'Sungem Run!' Well, we are getting very close to launching ou...

    7 years ago

  • Legends of the Old West: Playing with New Objective Cards - Some of you might be familiar with the Secret Objective card system I developed for *Chaos in Carpathia*. I decided to try a similar (yet completely differ...

    7 years ago

  • Kabar Lowongan Kerja Manado Agustus 2014 Terbaru - *Kabar Lowongan Kerja Manado Agustus 2014 Terbaru - **Lowongan Kerja Terbaru* kali ini akan memberikan informasi *Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru* . Lowongan Ke...

    7 years ago

  • D&D Fifth Ed. Starter Box - Another package waiting for me today when I arrived home from work; the D&D fifth edition starter box. A bit of an impulse buy when I ordered it, but as...

    7 years ago

  • Pop's Cafe, the return of the Greasy Spooners - I'm back. Yes, it has been 4 years, but I have a good-ish excuse. In those four years I got promoted (yeah!) which left me little time for lunchtime excurs...

    7 years ago

  • Hail Mary .....of the LIVING DEAD!!!! - So I somehow managed to knock out another 60-something zombies before this baby arrives, nothing fancy here, I didn't even texture the bases. I figured I w...

    7 years ago

  • Bahasa Jawa di facebook~ - Buat yang pengen ganti bahasa jawa, tapi dalam pengaturan nggak ada =) maklum lah, wong jowo☺ - Pertama Log in atau masuk ke Facebook kamu bila bel...

    7 years ago

  • Tintin au Congo - Another entry from the Colonial Painting Expedition on the Lead Adventure Forum. Can't believe we've had sixty-two entries already. A little tongue-in-chee...

    7 years ago

  • LARRYCON Begins!! - A really nice scene I caught on my phone the other night while out for a stroll. The harvest is upon us!! Well it has been a wonderful spring and early...

    7 years ago

  • Lunar Peltasts - These are *Black Tree Design* Persian Guards. I've replaced the shields with peltast-style ones from the spares box. These guys represent the Silver Shi...

    7 years ago

  • Moving: Now posting at 4+ Tough - So, this site has been in an inactive mode for a while, mostly because I've fallen out of love with 40k and into Warmachine, and also because I just can...

    7 years ago

  • Back to the Desert - I have recently been reading Patrick Macrory's excellent history of the First Anglo-Afghan War, titled "The Fierce Pawns." This got the colonial juices flo...

    7 years ago

  • Old School 40k (Laserburn) miniatures using the USEME rules - Playing a game using some warhammer 40, er.... laserburn miniatures. Trying out the useme rules system two weeks ago with my brother Ed. What you see are 1...

    7 years ago

  • Schwinn Turismo Swivel Jogging Stroller - Pacific Cycle, read the full Schwinn Swivel Double Jogging Stroller Review The Turismo Double Jogging Stroller from Schwinn, is an amazing stroller for acti...

    7 years ago

  • - A brand new addition to the forces of the Frei Stadt, the Graf Georg von Kumwarden Fusilier regiment. Its service record is yet to be established, but I ex...

    7 years ago

  • Plancenoit in 28mm - My club this weekend added to its Waterloo in 28mm game the battle of Plancenoit, which wil...

    7 years ago

  • The Dark Knight Full Movie Online - Watch The Dark Knight Full Movie Streaming Online Duration 152 minutes and broadcast on 2008-07-18 MPAA rating is 4699. - *Status :* Released - *R...

    7 years ago

  • Primer primer - At the risk of repeating myself, a close look at Vallejo surface primer.

    7 years ago

  • Wallpapers de autos muy bonitos (10 imágenes) - AppId is over the quota AppId is over the quota type='html'> [image: Wallpapers de autos muy bonitos (10 imágenes)] Algunos les llaman *autos, otros coches, ...

    7 years ago

  • Memories, Tangents and the Power of the Pastoral - *Charles Stadden 30mm BEF released fifty(ish) years ago* It occurs to me that wargaming the Great War is not going to be a straight forward thing. Le...

    7 years ago

  • Casting Season - It's casting season here at the Lead Gardens. The weather has "springed up" and it's perfect for getting outside and starting on some summer casting proje...

    7 years ago

  • Zombie! Survivor Sheet Update - Still a design made in Google Drawing: version 5 of the Zombie! survivor sheet has been updated with 4 new attributes, as well as some more flavour: calls...

    7 years ago

  • IG Wyvern built and ready to paint - I've got my Wyvern put together and I've got to say, it's a very nice little kits. I love the look of it and it was a pleasure to put together. My only ...

    7 years ago

  • Virginia Provincial Regiment. - Months ago Galloping Major Miniatures were doing a deal on their new FIW range- so I went ahead and bought some of their very nice figures - 'but its eas...

    7 years ago

  • 10mm A.W.I. Unit Finished. - I've got the 10mm unit finished that I started painting in the previous posting . I was going to try photographing them outside - but as this photo was t...

    7 years ago

  • Risorgimento or Garibaldi in Sicily 1860 - I studied the Italian Unification at school and it was fascinating; This lead to following Garibaldi's career and especially his amazing campaign in Sicily...

    7 years ago

  • A long time of no posting. - Well, it has been a good year since anything got posted here. In that time, I have certainly not been idle in my gaming, but rather have been very distract...

    7 years ago

  • Panzer IV F1 - I am still around and I am still painting. I may have to 'reboot' this blog as I know bunch of pictures arent showing up. Any way here is what I was wo...

    7 years ago

  • Greater Daemon of Slaanesh - I painted this guy (gal?) a while back but for some reason I didn't post about it. I wouldn't say I enjoyed the painting process that much. Painting a lar...

    7 years ago

  • THE BLOG HAS MOVED! - Hello to all followers of this blog. I have decided to move the blog to a new address. This falls in line with our youtube channel and makes the most sense...

    7 years ago

  • Top Best Pillow For Side Sleepers - A terrific day starts having a wonderful night of slumber, and also the pillow you select influences the real quality of your slumber. The best pregnancy p...

    7 years ago

  • Germany on Mars in 1889, in The Dream Forge - Anders Blixt in Stockholm Sweden writes a thoughtful and entertaining blog entitled The Dream Forge, covering a wide range of fantasy and science fiction t...

    7 years ago

  • Fantasy Bits - Reaper Elf Lord Reaper Barbarian and pug" If you want the ball then fetch it yourself!" Reaper Viking

    7 years ago

  • Gojira on the mind... - I need a vacation.

    7 years ago

  • The Mission, by Larry Hunter - * Devin Hester, a great player, is off the Bears for 2014, Sad to see him go* Well, it has been another season, and now the Bears besides letting Urlacher...

    7 years ago

  • Niemiecki park maszyn cz.5 - Elo Znowu szybka wrzuta. Przykleiłem gąsienice i koła do Hanomagów. Teraz zajmuję się malowaniem załogantów (do skończenia mam oporządzenie; kamuflaż już ...

    7 years ago

  • - Hello??.... Hello!!.... anybody here?? Wow its been ages since anyone was in here, even the mousses left this place. Time to do a huge spring cleaning, la...

    7 years ago

  • Second World War comparisons on "World War 20mm" - Piers Brand has recently posted a side by side shot of several figures painted in his inimitable style. They represent a number of different 20mm metal ma...

    7 years ago

  • The Three Amigos... - I picked up these little beauties from Merlyn's in Spokane last weekend, the IS3 heavy tank platoon by BattleFront. Very good sculpts, and the resin suspen...

    7 years ago

  • History Is Bunk! - It's been a slow week or so. I have done little in the way of gaming; the solitaire C&C: Ancients battle of Raphia has not moved since last Sunday. Mostly...

    7 years ago

  • US Mechanized Infantry 3rd Squad - I've now finished the third squad for the US Mechanized Infantry Platoon. Next job is to get the four Bradley IFV's finished for them so they can enter th...

    7 years ago

  • Fortified Chapel - Hi, folks. Here's another bit of terrain for our Kings of War table. It's a fortified chapel made from a Pegasus Hobby Gothic City Building Large Set. I ad...

    7 years ago

  • PP Announcement! New Hordes Model! - *"If there is one thing we here at Privateer Press pride ourselves on, it's listening to our audience. You guys and gals have been demanding a fifth full ...

    7 years ago

  • SUPERS! - NORAD reports the crash of an extraterrestrial object deep in the Appalacian mountains. The Guardians are dispatched to report on and recover any possible...

    7 years ago

  • 15mm Viking Army - These are my Vikings, opposition for the Saxon Army from my last post. There are a few less of these guys but they have a lot more of the heavily armed and...

    7 years ago

  • Blog shut down - new club site - After some efforts, we have now moved beyond a blog site. We may yet have to cut off it's head and stake the heart; but this site is now dead. Ceased to ...

    7 years ago

  • Greetings, I have moved the rock I was under - Greetings troops, Happy 2014! I must apologize that 2013 was a quiet year on the blog. I must thank all you followers for sticking with me. Just a quick...

    7 years ago

  • Christmas "Domes" for 2013 - A few years ago, I began making these for the special people in my life…sometimes they are purely whimsical and sometimes they have a hidden meaning, speci...

    7 years ago

  • One year in review - or two… - The year 2013 is coming to an end, and it seems a good time to pop back on my DestoFante blog for a quick update. Blogging has clearly taken a backseat in ...

    7 years ago

  • Deadzone: Enforcer Missile Launcher Conversion - OK. Completed the conversion of the Enforcer Missile Launcher. Overall I think he came out well. I am not an expert on Green Stuff, but I think I gave an e...

    7 years ago

  • -

    7 years ago

  • Happy Xmas & all the various holidays - Seems to be a new tradition that December runs over me, repeatedly, like a herd of reindeer on meth. What a month. So please excuse the pathetic trickle ...

    7 years ago

  • Games from the 2013 Congress - A few pics of some of the games at the Napoleonic Congress this year the brave frigate cops it form a first rate at close range! French vs British Penins...

    7 years ago

  • Building the Gundam - 08 - Despite having jumped the gun a bit and assembled the wings... I can't put them on the Gundam without the harness, so that took priority. The Gundam has...

    7 years ago

  • Voyages Diabolique - Soon after the release of *Wessex Games*' *Voyages Extraordinaires*, Victorian Adventure Gaming rules in 2000, I planned to release an accompanying set for...

    8 years ago

  • WTJ & Panzerschiffe -- Comparison Photos - The following photos show a comparison between some 1/2400 scale Russo-Japanese War Pre-Dreadnought Cruisers. Panzerschiffe "Diana" above; WTJ "Aurora" bel...

    8 years ago

  • Campaign's End - CampaignHammer fluff - Some Dwarf vs Undead fluff over on CampaignHammer. We decided to end the campaign at the end of year 7. The Undead faction battles to hold the city and ke...

    8 years ago

  • Lady Aiyana and Master Holt – diorama start - Since I quite enjoyed the Beastman and Greatsword diorama, I decided to take a stab at another. While I have a few lying around, I haven't really painted t...

    8 years ago

  • Aphid barker - Assembly - Here's the assembly guide for Aphid loader Barker, from the wave 2 Kickstarter miniatures. This is quite a complex miniature to assemble, definitely the mo...

    8 years ago

  • The History of England Podcast - [image: King John] King John I have been fairly busy the last month-- more so than even usual with three kids all in extracurricular activities-- and one o...

    8 years ago

  • I've moved again! - Outflanked has been rebooted! I am now over at Wordpress: http://outflanked.wordpress.com Please do come and visit!

    8 years ago

  • C'est la fin... - ... de ce blog ! Après 208 messages. Mais retrouvez moi sur mon nouvel espace dédié au figurines : http://aleaminiatures.blogspot.fr/

    8 years ago

  • Painting station moved - So been a couple of weeks since my last post. Was on vacation last week and flew out to Santa Cruz, CA. Also spent a couple of days in San Francisco and ...

    8 years ago

  • Imperial Guard Aegis Defence Line - So I've decided to build an Aegis Defence Line for my Imperial Guard a week back. I also wanted it to be a sort of display for my army and I want to make i...

    8 years ago

  • The Ballad of Sir Hugo and Gui Le Batard - *The Bridge on the River Wye* *The Raid On The Grain Store* We played the first two scenarios from the first of the Warheads books. Sir Hugo w...

    8 years ago

  • Mighty Armies: Army Lists For The Golden Age of Mars - Rebel Minis has released free army lists for Mighty Armies to game in VSF Mars. If you are not at all familiar with Mighty Armies, it's a great Fantasy...

    8 years ago

  • Work in progress and review of some Khurasan Miniatures Space Demons - I recently had some time available and decided to add to my 15mm miniatures. I succumbed to severe temptation and purchased some expansions to my "Space D...

    8 years ago

  • A New Project - I am very conscious that it has been a while, a very long while since I posted anything. Life seemed to overtake me for a very long time. I have painted a ...

    8 years ago

  • FFG's STAR WARS X-WING...I'm Giving In To The Dark Side! - My friends, you know that I have been working on TOMORROW BLACK for a long time, and it has been a task full of joy and frustration. I am going to take a b...

    8 years ago

  • Sheer Idiocy - I really don't get it. I just don't get it. To be clear. I have never...EVER.. said that "I can outsell 'storeX'". If the owner/owners of 'storeX', want to...

    8 years ago

  • Site archived - I regret that owing to concerted spam and hacking attacks, I have removed the content from this site. Those of you interested in following what I'm up to c...

    8 years ago

  • Evesham Wargames Club now known as Wyvern Wargamers - Wyvern Wargamers finds a new home on the web....http://wyvernwargamers.org.uk/ After weeks in the planning the Evesham Wargames Club have rebranded and wi...

    8 years ago

  • Unrest and Dissent in the North - *WHEN THE MOSELEY GOVERNMENT of the British Union of Fascists* was appointed by King Edward VIII in 1937, was when the country was tipped over the edge t...

    8 years ago

  • Trying out a kickstarter - If you frequent TMP much you'll have noticed that Kick-starters have taken off in a big way the last year or so. Up until now I have quite happily avoid th...

    8 years ago

  • Counts as Typhus model, and 180 painted zombies - Im sorry I don't have a lot of time to talk, but this guy is my Typhus and below are 180 zombies that I had paint commissioned. If I was anywhere near a...

    8 years ago

  • Rilynstra's Doom - The Kabal of the Murderous Refrain - Been a while since there's been any actual hobby on here! At the moment I'm working on a few 40k armies that go in tandem with one another. They are: A Dar...

    8 years ago

  • Bolt Action:Tiger. - Kit. Painted. Drcals.

    8 years ago

  • Road to Tebessa - AAR - Played the Road to Tebessa scenario yesterday at Gauntlet. As usual I got so caught up in the game that I didn't take pictures of all the action The game o...

    8 years ago

  • U-Boat in London! - *German U-155 (f. Deutschland transport submarine) after surrender* *1918* via Nationaal Archief @ Flickr

    8 years ago

  • - Hey guys don't forget tomorrow starts SpikeyCon run by my pal Rob Baer whom some of you 40k people know as Mad Boy Genius on BOLS and the creator of the bl...

    8 years ago

  • Dawn – Rise of the Occulites Kickstarter is Live! - G'day guys, Just wanted to share the link to the Kickstarter to my first game Dawn – Rise of the Occulites. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2002188924/...

    8 years ago

  • Back Again! - Real life has a nasty habit of getting in the way sometimes, and the last six months plus has been busy to say the least, meaning that I haven't been posti...

    8 years ago

  • Doctor who? - I have had the police box sitting around for some time; finally got it painted. The basing is just to try to tie it in to a Victorian date.

    8 years ago

  • "Bonnie Blue Flag" ACW convention Australia 2013 - *Friday Night 19th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July. "Bonnie Blue Flag" ACW weekendGoulburn Soldiers ClubCnr Market and Sloane stGoulburn NSWDinne...

    8 years ago

  • Flames of War army purchased! -  Well I hit Brookhurst Hobbies pretty hard on my vacation and picked up some stuff. There are 4 E8's, 3 Jumbos, and 4 M4A3's of differing styles. This ...

    8 years ago

  • Freshly Painted Pulp Figures - I just received around 30 pulp figures back from Doc Merkury who did a great job painting these for me. I am currently going through the finishing proces...

    8 years ago

  • Скидки в магазине "Studio Ultraterrain" - Друзья, больше всего в жизни я хочу, чтобы вы делали террейн! Сами, своими ручками создавали большие и маленькие шедевры, а потом наслаждались ими. Гла...

    8 years ago

  • A thing! - I've posted a thing! But it's not here, it's over there.

    8 years ago

  • Hinton Compatible Austrian Hussars Painted By(For) Jack Hixon - Thanks for sending in this picture Jack - very nice!

    8 years ago

  • A bit of wet work - A couple of weeks ago Mexican Dave dropped into the conversation "I quite fancy doing some historical Naval gaming." and as usual I jumped in with both fee...

    8 years ago

  • Flames of war - open fire Germans - I was given this as a present for Christmas (after some rather in subtle hinting from me) Mrs Kipper treated me, like many of a certain age I've had/ playe...

    8 years ago

  • Solo Piquet Tutorial Part 7: The Battle of Cross Keys - The battle continues. 12:00 p.m. turn. Confederates have 16 morale chips. Union have 3 morale chips. Initiative Roll (d20) Union 11 / Confederates 7; Unio...

    8 years ago

  • Book Review: Path of the Warrior by Gav Thorpe (Spoiler free) - *For me (and many others) Gav Thorpe has always been the custodian of Eldar lore. His writing has graced both Eldar Codices and the glossy pages of Whit...

    8 years ago

  • Steam Navvies - Managed to spend a few hours on Sunday painting. Here are some figures I painted some time ago but finished off yesterday with a very quick base job. These ...

    8 years ago

  • The Japanese Advance – Awala and Gorari Ambush Actions - *Campaign Actions Phase 1 July 1942* *The Japanese Advance – Awala and Gorari Ambush Actions* The initial battles for control of the lower part of the Koko...

    8 years ago

  • Napoleon: a Kickstarter - Found this on Kickstarter the other day. While not in the block buster league of some of the projects (Reaper Bones for example), it seems a good value for...

    8 years ago

  • pic -

    8 years ago

  • 2500 pts O&G Swedish Comp 11-12 - There is a tournament coming up in the middle of April that I shall be attending. This will mark the first full-scale tournament that features the Swedish ...

    8 years ago

  • media: nazi zombie army götterdämmerung - Jonathan Green has written an e-book set in the *Sniper Elite* game universe entitled, *Nazi Zombie Army: Götterdämmerung.* Seems right up our street, and ...

    8 years ago

  • Marengo Scenario 7 with Carnage and Glory II. - Once again Tom Garnett and Keith Rocco hosted a game of Marengo. This was Tom's 7th scenario of the battle of Marengo *"First Battle of the Consular Guard"...

    8 years ago

  • Run - Figures: Rackham 28mm Rules:Tomorrows War GM: Jerry Acord Well its about time I got a game in. After fighting a cold off and on for 4 weeks and missing se...

    8 years ago

  • That is not dead which can eternal lie ... - ... and with strange aeons even death may die. I'm not dead, just working on something else. That "something else" should be released before the end of the...

    8 years ago

  • Weapon X - Recent personal piece.

    8 years ago

  • Zen to Done: the Third Step - In the ZTD system, the third step is to "Plan." By that Babuta suggests determining the major things that need to be done at the beginning of the week, an...

    8 years ago

  • Back from AWOL. - Hi everyone, it has been too long. I got a chance to kick around the house today for the first time in months and decided I would make it a priority to po...

    8 years ago

  • Hawkmoon Figures from Eureka Miniatures - A little bird tells me that Eureka Miniatures have permission from Michael Moorcock to do a "Hawkmoon" figures range. I have seen some test shot casts and...

    8 years ago

  • - Howdy Y'all. Well I've been busy with going back to college but I have been working on some wargaming stuff. A big project, my Late Romans for Impetus & Sa...

    8 years ago

  • Ral Partha Orcs - Here are four Ral Partha orcs I painted late in 2012. I have an bunch of minis from the old AD&D line, and decided to paint a few up. The BattleSystem Sk...

    8 years ago

  • Toodle-oo Dahlings - It is bye bye time for Blogger as the stupendous Gemigabok blog heads off to the actual Gemigabok site. So see you all there! http://www.the-ancients.com/g...

    8 years ago

  • Try This! The Hipster - Sometimes as women, we feel like we can't get made love to rather than with. Why? Missionary is so awesome, but there isn't much leverage unless you chang...

    8 years ago

  • - And time to break my hiatus again! (In deference to the last post - I've started using FB more too.) Thanks to an agreement with a friend, I've started pai...

    8 years ago

  • The Last Post - All things must pass, and so it is to be with NDC Blog. 'Why?' I hear you wail (with murmurings of 'big deal' in the background). Well this blog was origi...

    8 years ago

  • ACW Union: Part 2 - This weeks painting was completed in time to catch the sunshine for some alright photos. I will stick some temp flags on them soon. The real flags will be ...

    8 years ago

  • Alfred the Great - 1969 Film - Its very disappointing when one gets a chance to relive a cherished childhood memory, and it doesn't live up to one's recollections. That is the case for ...

    8 years ago

  • Tiny Tin Men moving to Blogger - After almost ten years at my own domain (the first post on it was way back in early 2004), with a Movable Type install I managed myself, I have decided t...

    8 years ago

  • GW Hobbit Releases Available For Pre-Order - *Games Workshop* has announced a plethora of pre-releases for its forthcoming *The Hobbit* games, the main release being a boxed *Escape From Goblin Town* ...

    9 years ago

  • Where the hell is Rob? - Hello! I would like to apologise for sort of letting this blog float off into the distance so far that I could never reel it back in again. My projects hav...

    9 years ago

  • Moving Locations - Well, the title says it all. I've decided to revamp my websites and as part of this "Across the Table" is on the move. To visit my revised site please vis...

    9 years ago

  • Powrót? Zobaczymy... - Cześć wszystkim, może jeszcze ktoś czasem tu zagląda :) Przez 2 lata pochłonęło mnie granie, aczkolwiek na instrumencie a nie stole z bitewniakami, w sumie ...

    9 years ago

  • Property Management Arlington VA - Property managers are one of the very important person who is taking care of your property ? Property Management Arlington VA is providing you the best ...

    9 years ago

  • "Farewell Ladies"! - Hi Guys It's been a very long time since I updated my blog, (sorry). A deployment to Afghanistan and some 'Real Life' issues have got in the way. Today I'v...

    9 years ago

  • cavecreekcrew -

    9 years ago

  • rpgchitchat -

    9 years ago

  • Blowing one's own horn - I decided to take part of my day off to do a tiddly bitmore on the beast of Gorgoroth. As I find chains the most annoyng thing to paint, I did them firs...

    9 years ago

  • They came from the north - Out of the chaos wastes of the north - daemons. Some figures I've done recently for our Warhammer RPG gaming - these cover the most commonly encountered da...

    9 years ago

  • [Malifaux] Run and Hyde, it's avatar Seamus.... - Apologies for the bad pun in the title. Here's the new big guy for my gang - turns out Seamus has a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde complex without the Dr Jekyll ...

    9 years ago

  • More Vikings.... - Finished the next two Vikings. Gripping Beast and Artizan. Pictures still aren't the best, but for the moment that's all there is. The next pair ar...

    9 years ago

  • So how many figures have you painted again? - I always set a goal in each calendar year to paint a certain number of figures. I'm always hoping to buy far fewer figures than I paint so I can cut into ...

    9 years ago

  • Dux Brit army nearing completion - After having given the new TFL Dux Brittaniarum rules (see http://toofatlardies.co.uk) a spin during the playtest time I've been working on painting my Gri...

    9 years ago

  • The Decline and Fall of the Ancient Triumph - My latest thoughts on late antique warfare, politics and ideology can be found on my other blog, here: http://600transformer.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/the-dec...

    9 years ago

  • Star Wars X-Wing unboxed! - Well, it has been quite some time since a posting here.....OK, so Paul from the Man Cave has a lot to answer for! He has caused me, yet again, to succumb t...

    9 years ago

  • Romanos imperiales y últimos encargos - Tras el verano, entre encargos de pintura y vacaciones, decidí darme un poco el gusto de pintar por deleite, por el mero hecho de pintar, vaya, y me decidí...

    9 years ago

  • The One Ring September Painting Challenge: Warbands (Completed) - Finally I have all of my orcs done for the Warbands challenge. Between working on these guys, painting my friend's birthday gift, creating a few Lord of th...

    9 years ago

  • Current projects - After lots of sorting out of the lead pile, and an ongoing ebay sell off I've settled on a couple of periods that I want to spend real time on. The first i...

    9 years ago

  • Eden - Horde models painted... - Well sort of, at least I have tried to base coat and ink something.... I need to get these up to standard so I can finish my Resistance crew. Assembled res...

    9 years ago

  • Metal finishes - Here's the first model painted with the Alcald line of metallic paints. It's a Korean war era fighter. F-86F Been pretty busy working on scale models t...

    9 years ago

  • Getting By far the most Connected with Wall street game Exchanging By means of Automated Research Technique Software - [image: Day trading course Calgary|866.640.3737|learn how to day trade by loisreese5124] Stock trading is the basis for the economy around the world. The...

    9 years ago

  • End of an era... - Well folks, Blood & Blades has come to an end. Things have come full circle and it is time to move on and start fresh. I have decided to start a new blo...

    9 years ago

  • Eldar Warlock WiP. - Okay, it's almost Friday and I've found some time to take a picture of Warlock that I have been painting on for the past week. Just something that's been ...

    9 years ago

  • WI298 - EW Russians (Invasion of Poland) - [image: Photobucket] In what is becoming a tradition with this blog, today I present pictures of the EW Soviet army list from Wargames Illustrated #298. I...

    9 years ago

  • Hail Zlobenia! - I picture of PFU troops from Zlobenia. The Zlobs have always been more open in their views about the outside world, and see the current conflict as a way ...

    9 years ago

  • The Last Post - That's it. All done. I would like to thank Baccus 6mm, Freezywater Publications and The Lance and Longbow Society for their generous support with this proj...

    9 years ago

  • A Couple of Short Scraps - It's been a couple of weeks since my last post but we have still been playing out the campaign in the meantime. Our battle at Markendorf finished prematur...

    9 years ago

  • Nuke the Site from Orbit... - ...It's the only way to be sure! Aliens. One of the seminal, defining sci-fi combat movies. So here are some 15mm figures from Quick Reaction Force (QRF)....

    9 years ago

  • Lancers forward! - Some Imperial Mexican lancers looking to skewer any poor republicans that happen in their way. First Corp figures converted from their Rush's Lancers pac...

    9 years ago

  • Your Money or your Life! - The Lamentations of the Flame Princess adventure campaigns at Indiegogo are now live! 19 adventures by really famous RPG blokes, such as Vincent Baker, Mon...

    9 years ago

  • Still here... - Just an update that I am still around, and will try to get an update here some time soon. Regards, Greg

    9 years ago

  • Arab-Israeli Wars in 3mm - www.picoarmor.com The AIW Reader is a blog intented to be a useful database primarily intented for wargamers although hopefully the entries will also be of ...

    9 years ago

  • 18 - VI - 12 - The long wait is over. Papa JJ returns. Let the internet burn!

    9 years ago

  • India Travel - If yоu have еvеr thought оf еxperiеnсіng the myѕtic bеаutу оf hіllѕ, exоtіс bеautу of the bеachеs, саѕcading beauty оf thе rіvеrѕ and thе thrill оf thе јun...

    9 years ago

  • Looking for Free, Cheap, or Do-It-Yourself Baby Shower Invitations? - Are уоu lооkіng for sоme dіfferent, inexpensіve babу shоwеr invitаtіonѕ? If yоu wаnt tо ѕеnd out аn іnvіtatiоn thаt іѕ morе uniquе thаn thе рurchаsеd, ѕtan...

    9 years ago

  • its been awhile - I know I haven't posted anything in awhile but life has come along lately and slowed much of my work down. The b-17 is coming along and I have completed th...

    9 years ago

  • - Originally posted on AW1 Tim's Blog: Scott the Badger reminds us all that today, 4 June, marks the 68th anniversary of Torpedo 8's famous attack against th...

    9 years ago

  • Raid on Blount Landing - Dark Elves vs Horse and Musket - Ok so here are some shots from some Mighty Armies games recently played in GPTs basement. Scroll down for bonus Man O War pics. First 3 shots are the s...

    9 years ago

  • Model sale off on eBay - Dear readers, it's been a while from my last post. The reason is that not only I had switch to another, more demanding job back on 2008, but the birth...

    9 years ago

  • The Complete Flash Gordon Library - *Titan Books* are releasing *The Complete Flash Gordon Library*, collating all the newspaper comic strips in a series of hardback books. A welcome release ...

    9 years ago

  • Dick Garrison Rapid Launch Released - *Dick Garrison Rapid Launch*, the basic rules from our forthcoming Pulp SF rules *The Amazing Interplanetary Adventures of Dick Garrison* are now available...

    9 years ago

  • [Project News] Back on Track... - Well it's been a few weeks since my last update here, but things have been ticking away in the background at Martians & Machine Guns since the last time I ...

    9 years ago

  • Battle of Waterloo - Move 11 - Table at the start of move 11 Top left – Clinton moves his corps to left of cross roads Top right – French firefight with highlanders on ridge Bottom left ...

    9 years ago

  • Byzarbia at Ayton Game. - Once again it's been a while, though in my defence I plead that I have been busy painting figures for our second Ayton Weekend Game, even forgoing two of o...

    9 years ago

  • Field of Battle 2nd Ed., la prova con la GNW - Venerdi scorso, abbiamo provato il regolamento *Field of Battle (2nd edition) *con uno scontro nella GNW. Devo premettere che ero piuttosto prevenuto su ...

    9 years ago

  • Just frigate about it. - ...In which our protagonist shows off the miniscule Dutch 30-gun ship. It's small. Tiny, even. And... bright blue? I'm not particularly thrilled with th...

    9 years ago

  • Where did I go? - I'm at this site since some time ago: http://www.dragonpainting.net/ More...

    9 years ago

  • For sale - Painted 28mm WSS Bavarians - There comes a point when you need to rationalise what you game and collect. I never really got into WSS, but I did pick these Bavarians up somewhere. A whi...

    9 years ago

  • Zvezda WW1 Russian Infantry - Okay, I admit these are great figures. Normally I don't like assembling figures. I say to myself, "If I want a kit, I'll buy a kit." In this case, t...

    9 years ago

  • Garrisoning the Collina Della Formica - *You* probably thought this project was dead and buried. Well, it's still alive. A pair of *Tiroler Kaiserjage*r manning a *Schwarzlose* MMG on an improv...

    9 years ago

  • Models for sale and new book! - I mentioned before that I would be selling most of my collection. After much deliberation, I will be keeping some of it (such as my 15mm ECW project which ...

    9 years ago

  • 01 - Painting Class with Privateer Press Studio Painter Meg Maples - This weekend I participated in a painting class at Labyrinth Games in Washington, DC. It was run by Meg Maples, one of the studio painters for Privateer P...

    9 years ago

  • The Cure for Burnout - Funky Old Aliens on Dinosaurs! - Planning ahead just isn't my style. I was on a major roll in January and February. Painted tons and tons of figures, played a couple of really fun solo ga...

    9 years ago

  • 3/21 Pledge - 1820 unpainted 6mm ECW: 1820 * 6mm / 25mm = 437 * 1.5 = 656 11 unpainted 25mm farm animals: 11 * 1.5 = 17 39 + 656 + 17 = 712 2012: +712 + nefs 2011: +215 ...

    9 years ago

  • Corporate Incomes - Mercenary outfit - Finally finished my second PA faction this time a Mercenary outfit going by the company name Corporate Incomes. There are several mercen...

    9 years ago

  • Move Along...Move Along! - In case anyone hasn't found out, The Drunken Gamers have become 'Dice Devils' and can be found at www.dicedevils.com Thanks for checking us out, see you...

    9 years ago

  • More othe same -

    9 years ago

  • Self promotion - OK, sorry for not posting anything earlier. I was really very busy with my IT exams [RHCSA/RHCE/Postgres Plus Associate followed by Professional] at work a...

    9 years ago

  • peggy - Well work has absorbed what little time I have avaliable of late so here is a very quick update as to what I have managed to achieve over the past 3 weeks....

    9 years ago

  • 28mm Napoleonic command , for sale - all indviduals $30 each, all doubles $60..all forms of payment accepted, however Paypal gets you a surcharge unless you make it a personal payment. PP+P no...

    9 years ago

  • Painted Cromwells - Here are some painted Hät Armourfast Cromwells that will be brilliant to fight with the Revell British Infantry in the Western Front. Now that they have bee...

    9 years ago

  • The fun never ends! - I wish to show you my latest works I based all napoleonic polish and russian troops from painting service (Stonewall Figures),now I have thousands of th...

    9 years ago

  • Basing Tutorial - Greetings one and all! Hope the new year's treating you well so far. Been rather busy working lately, so haven't made any progress on the rest of my Warrior...

    9 years ago

  • Clearing a nest of Sea Rats! - *Scenario* A group of slave-traders (who were thought to be operating out of Marzibar) set up a temporary base inside an old abandoned coastal fort on the b...

    9 years ago

  • Selling and getting out - Hello all! Apologies for the lack of updates but the reality is, I haven't done anything in the hobby for over a year. I've not really had the time or spac...

    9 years ago

  • My new Napoleonic blog for 2012. - As this old blog still gets lots of hits I thought I would place a link to my new project here for anybody who might care to follow it's development. It's ...

    9 years ago

  • The End of the Frugal Year(s) - As you may have noticed I haven't been posting on the blog too much recently. This is, in part, to it's success; I've been playing too many games and get...

    9 years ago

  • Spanish Review - Sr. Troll, from La Cueva del Sr. Troll (Mr. Troll's Cave), have published a review of Brytenwalda in Spanish. Of course you can use an online translator to...

    9 years ago

  • 40K: My Son's (age 7) Dark Eldar and my Daughter's (age 4) Necrons - My children were always very interested in dad's hobby's. They both started painting miniatures at the age of about 2. On that age they just slammed paint ...

    9 years ago

  • Count down to Crossover Part 4: The pitch - So here we are at the end of Countdown but hopefully the beginning of something great: Now whether Crossover comes into being or not is kind of in your ha...

    9 years ago

  • NY3K game report - For those of you who aren't following the NY3K blog (and should feel ashamed), here's a link to the first game report. *Pour ceux qui ne suivent pas le blog...

    10 years ago

  • The Pack Elite - Part 2 - *I haven't had much time to do stuff with a Bachelor's thesis I'm working on all the time now, so not much painting progress and I just didn't have what to...

    10 years ago

  • Link to 1813 Tortosa Campaign - The next phase of the 1813 campaign will be in north east Spain and will deal with the Spanish attempt to take the city of Tortosa. I have started a new b...

    10 years ago

  • New Directions - At the beginning of this month, I wrapped up a series of daily posts on the battle of White Plains, and the events leading up to it. As much as I enjoyed ...

    10 years ago

  • Nery 1914 game - I hosted my first 1914 game the other day at my store. The game was to represent the action at Nery between British and German Cavalry. The British had one...

    10 years ago

  • Which To Choose:Immortals or Warriors? - This has been a topic of debate with myself really and I can imagine with most of the rest of you. On the surface I immediately went straight to Immortals ...

    10 years ago

  • More boards - Hi all Another update on progress. I've been gluing two boards together a day so after a few days I've finished 8 boards. You can see the river section I c...

    10 years ago

  • Force on Force à l'AMJH - De plus en plus de joueurs se mettent à Force on Force dans mon club de jeu de l'AMJH. De plus les joueurs peignent des figurines et fabriquent massivement...

    10 years ago

  • Osprey Issue Harrier Units and Tojo Aces Books - *Osprey Publishing* have released two new aviation books this month. First off is *AV-8B Harrier II Units of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm*, *"...

    10 years ago

  • Lip Beating - Severius hammers Thagrosh - Where I live the loser of a fight is often described as having "the lips beat off of them". This happened on Saturday night when Kenoth of Menoth brought a...

    10 years ago

  • Art of tactic ! German 105-mm Howitzer LeFH 18/18m - Hello friends !!! I finished the second stand of this gun !!!

    10 years ago

  • 40K scrap modelling - I have a boxful of bits of kits including some old GW vehicles. I think the bit in the top photo come off what is called a Rhino? Anyway I never liked t...

    10 years ago

  • The african terrain is set - As we needed a lot of new terrain for africa we thought we had better see what it looked like before the game. we have used fish tank vegitation, artificial...

    10 years ago

  • Normal service will resume shortly - Hi all some explanations for my enforced absence may be required. I have not posted anything for the last 6 months or so as i had to pack up all my paintin...

    10 years ago

  • Some more plastic hoplites - *The three legged symbol is that of the Alcmaeonid clan* I have just finished four more Immortal Miniatures plastic hoplites which, as usual, were prett...

    10 years ago

  • Boots on the Ground-- a sort of review - from Worthington's BotG pageSeveral months ago I received *Boots on the Ground* which I had pre-ordered from Worthington Games. It is a very rules-light g...

    10 years ago

  • Marine Veterano de la Escuadra de Mando - Aqui presento otro Marine de la Escuadra de Mando. Aunque parezca un Angel Oscuro.....¡es un Deathwatch Veterano! :)

    10 years ago

  • Apologies - Sorry for the dismal lack of new goodies on the blog of late, this solely being due to me starting a new teaching post which is taking just about all my ti...

    10 years ago

  • Torgau 2011 - Our last major game was a refight of Torgau This one was fought - as usual using the excellent King of the Battlefield rules - as a contest over 5 victory ...

    10 years ago

  • Huns - Here we have some dastardly Hun allies for my Gothic led raiding party. Here are the armies I have lined up for next Tuesdays game. Goths no Name 1 ...

    10 years ago

  • Back on the Horse! - Wow! It's been a long time since my last post! The path has largely been cleared for me to share my miniature wargaming exploits, so let's get into it! Ou...

    10 years ago

  • Warpath Beta released, and I think I like it ^_^ - So, for those of us that follow Mantic, we know theyve been doing some good stuff. Theyre putting out decent miniatures at a great price, and while they're...

    10 years ago

  • Tournament Report - Well... no updates for a while, but this tournament got me back into FoW ;). Right now I'm just going to post a report and in a few days time I'll post som...

    10 years ago

  • 2nd Saturday Update - All I can say is the quality of play went up dramatically. Both sides have started to understand what the campaign consequences are going to do to them on...

    10 years ago

  • 15mm WWII US Regular Army - Figure mostly from Old Glory, but there is a platoon worth from Battlefront mixed in.

    10 years ago

  • Two shows down - First Partizan and then one nearer to home, just completed in two weeks. Unfortunately either the full time job or space at other shows is restricting me f...

    10 years ago

  • 15mm Deckplans - I picked up a copy of AE: Bounty the other day. I want to run a 15mm campaign. I printed out a set of the Star Station Zero 15mm deck plans on card stock...

    10 years ago

  • So it Begins... - *An Introduction:* I love Warhammer Quest. For many Warhammer players this game may hold great memories. In short for those who haven't heard of it, it is ...

    10 years ago

  • Whats happening here..... - This blog is being set up to show a new and developing gaming project, from inception to creation. My gaming has taken a big hit recently, life focussing m...

    10 years ago

  • Barking Irons Online - Replaces this Blog - Hello Everyone, This will be the last posting on this blog as we have moved to a bigger and more shiny home over at www.barkingirons.co.uk and it is there ...

    10 years ago

  • Battle of Geuberbach [ Schwabian Times Report ] - Yesterday our brave troops engaged the invading Harzburg hordes. This reporter interviewed many of the participants and the available bystanders, their st...

    10 years ago

  • Time to evolve - Though I like the storage capacity of canalblog (5GB), I'm tired of the too many maintenance problems which block the access to the blog. So I've decided...

    10 years ago

  • Superhero gaming- Justice League International - Justice League America Justice League Europe

    10 years ago

  • (PM-05) Cretan Archers - Part 1 - This is a bit of a quickie project. It's part of my experiments with "dipping." I've posted a bit abour my first experiment at my regular blog. As a "quic...

    10 years ago

  • Tech Cultist Bust for sale - So if anyone is interested my Tech Cultist is for sale... please spread the news, let people know and make possible I don't run out of putty :) [image: A...

    10 years ago

  • Well, its been a year... - And I haven't posted anything for a very simple reason: I have done damned near nothing with anything Warhammer-y. Oh, and whatever I have done is over on ...

    10 years ago

  • A year in review - Well, its been nearly a year since i last made a post to the blog! The last year has been so hectic for me that writing the blog was often the last thing ...

    10 years ago

  • SBH SOLO Vikings VS Hunters of Evil - With my new love of Universal Battle, I have run yet another solo game. This time it was the under dog Vikings VS the Vet Hunters of Evil. I set the game u...

    10 years ago

  • Amazons and a SpellSinger! - Hi Here are some pictures of some AMAZONS my dad painted. He is going to use them for his TROJAN WAR game, but he said I can use them for my Fantasy games ...

    10 years ago

  • Still Alive. - Soon....

    10 years ago

  • - And here come the Hilly Billy rable.

    10 years ago

  • CRITTER COMMANDOS REVIEW - Hi! Folks have been asking for a review of critter commandos so I thought I would give it a bash! Critter Commandos! *Review* The book is separated into...

    10 years ago

  • Paint, Partying and Prelims - Not posted in quite a while, this is due to the fact I have been incessantly busy. I have been trawling my way through a massive box of 15mm goodies that t...

    10 years ago

  • Time to say goodbye. - You may remember last year, during Icecrown progress, that I spent weeks and months grinding for an achievement. Specifically, I wanted the title "Payce th...

    10 years ago

  • US Weapons platoon - One of the first platoons I painted up for my US Riflemen was the Weapons platoon, because I figured every US force needed this kind of thing. Turns out I ...

    10 years ago

  • Astro Mag Issue 8! - Hey guys, Astro Mag Issue 8 is out! Go download it, won't you? Also, apologies for the lack of activity. I have a lot of Dark Eldar sitting next to my de...

    10 years ago

  • "Niekończąca się opowieść"... / The "neverending story"... - Witam! W kwestii projektu Monte co rusz natrafiamy na jakieś problemy lub opóźnienia. A to nie pasują idealnie segmenty, a to szufladki terenowe nie wys...

    10 years ago

  • if it ain't broke... - Having read through *Iron Cow* again I realised that it didn't need much tweaking following the feedback Some I took on board so there are subtle changes t...

    10 years ago

  • 97 - Blood Ravens Tactical Squad "Contemptus" - Here we have the ten marines who make up my first tactical squad, " Contemptus." The Sergeant is armed with a Power Fist and the two specialists are equipp...

    10 years ago

  • Super Shader results - Super shader Black Group - blocked colours and then black shader on uniform. Dry - highlight a touch super shader dark For this greatcoat I used montan...

    10 years ago

  • A new project scale - For X-mas I got a series of 54mm home casting molds. They are US Army and Middle Eastern opposition. The gaming potential for these is rather obvious. But ...

    10 years ago

  • RIP Major Winters - This week there is one less member of the 'Band of Brothers'. Major Richard Winters who lead E company from the the landings in June 1944 through the end o...

    10 years ago

  • Ramshackle Releases 2 - Hi! Heres some more of the releases that Ramshackle have produced over the last couple of months: Skeeta Scrap Tank Truck Iron Grumbler Biker Gang Al...

    10 years ago

  • Favors equal new bonds ... - The Spirit Nicole landed with little flair or commotion. Landing bay robots swarmed to welcome the newest tenant. Dust and heat combined in swirls as th...

    10 years ago

  • Happy New Year 2011! - Another year is upon us and I've decided it is time to consider my gaming resolutions for 2011. Without further ado, here they are: 1) Thin my miniatures c...

    10 years ago

  • I've been a good boy. - Santa brought me some stuff for xmas. He thought since I'm starting a new game this 2011, I might as well start two. Templates set and Khador counter set f...

    10 years ago

  • Algonquin Scale Creep - I hope everyone had a great Christmas, the run up to which saw any real chance to proceed with this project come to a grinding halt! I did receive the *Eur...

    10 years ago

  • last post b4 xmas - no doubt this will be my last post before Xmas, with some international brigade figures finished and a republican HMG team.but on the paint table from toda...

    10 years ago

  • The Ghost of Armies Past - While visiting one of my favorite blogs, Zinnsoldatengeneral, I was admiring some of Andreas Hofer's latest painting masterpieces. He is truly an arti...

    10 years ago

  • Buying 20mm to small 25mm scales - Im interested in buying one pose each of any figs you have in 20mm to classic small 25mm scale. I collect and wargame all periods! Please send a list of wh...

    10 years ago

  • - "Enelye, let's go the way we did last time. I'd rather go a way we know, rather than run into some new folly."

    10 years ago

  • The "Waynes Junction campaign".. - I've decided to revive this old campaign diary project blog to record the unfolding of events in a new campaign that DG and I have just started... One of ...

    10 years ago

  • More ATZ! - Game 1: Again I headed to the LGS today with ATZ, some buildings and zombies. A friend of mine had a buddy in town and wanted to play some THW games. Since...

    10 years ago

  • Time - Seems I don't post as often as I should, I really have been doing things related to gaming including trying one of the largest projects I have ever tried. ...

    11 years ago

  • An Excuse for my Absence - Well, last week I flipped my truck. For that I received thirteen staples in my head along with much of my stuff destroyed, just wonderful. There was some t...

    11 years ago

  • 40k Combat Patrol: Wrapup - Well the Combat Patrol has come and gone, i wrestled my way to a 3rd place spot overall and managed to come away with Best appearance trophy which was a ni...

    11 years ago

  • - hey i haven't posted anything for a while so i thought id show you my zeds the painted and the unpainted hoard i have a few zeds not shown here but...

    11 years ago

  • The Nacht Reitar strikes - Von Pritzwalk's decision to besiege Dolfstein invariably slowed the hectic pace that the campaign had so far taken. This was the result of the battering t...

    11 years ago

  • Jurassic Reich at Little Wars Melbourne - Jurassic Reich was wonderful, and here are a few photos courtesy of Paul at the Man Cave . Check out the rest of his great Jurassic Reich photos – thanks...

    11 years ago

  • Alright, short term goals for this month - Well, if I'm hoping if I set up some feasible goals for the next for weeks or so, I should be able to get myself playing more games, and getting this blog ...

    11 years ago

  • New 1813 Campaign Blog - Due to lack of space remaining on this blog, I have moved the main 1813 Campaign to a new blog. The new blog will be the main diary for the whole 1813 cam...

    11 years ago

  • Battle of Nations 2010 - Part 3 - The Battle of nations enters its second hour with a blanket of light snow dropping visibility down to 500yds at best. The guns fall silent as men and horse...

    11 years ago

  • Battle Report: USMC vs Taliban (FoF) - Well I christened my new double sided grass mat this morning, as well as the middle eastern building I built over spring break. I realized that my Taliba...

    11 years ago

  • Scale creep on the workbench! - I have been very satisfied with my slowly growing armies of Union and Confederate soldiers in 6mm for ACW Black Powder gaming, but for some reason, I am no...

    11 years ago

  • 7th Armoured Division vs German Grenadiers in Fighting Withdrawal - Sean wanted to try out his 7th Armored Division list again, so I whipped up a grenadier list and we went to town. We rolled up a Fighting Withdrawal. 7th ...

    11 years ago

  • Ebay/Goodbye: Final goodbye and Salamanders are up. - I'm sorry but i forgot to put up that the warriors and silver skulls had gone up on ebay but here is the link to my green salamanders marines: Salamanders ...

    11 years ago

  • British Army of Venus 2 - First up is the Brig, commanding his troops from the front. Next up is the first section of Infantry, still in Greens, they are painted as members of the R...

    11 years ago

  • Argossean Test Pieces - Having settled on a uniform for the Aquilonian infantry I decided to have a crack at the Argosseans. As previously stated they would be my "British" parabl...

    11 years ago

  • Games Day 2010 Pics - Well, I hadn't planned to go to Games Day 2010, but I happened to win a ticket. Many thanks to Shelexie over at Wanna B Painter. At first I was going to gi...

    11 years ago

  • Black Hat 15 mm Feudals - Vexillia - Something painted by yours truly for a change. Thanks to some spare time I've painted and photographed some examples of the 15mm Medieval Peasants & Gener...

    11 years ago

  • Now I'm feeling zombified! - *Day One – Location #1 - Whiteface* *Cast:* Whiteface *Objective:* Retrieve Car *Area:* Suburban *There was a lot of trouble at work, so I decided to pack ...

    11 years ago

  • Second Battle of Song Of Blades and Heros - For this battle, I used a scenario from Song of Wind and Water. The ratmen are attempting to summon a demon around an ancient stone circle, while my trust...

    11 years ago

  • Huginn and Muninn, where are you both? - And so a sliver of sly Odin's wisdom has helped me enter realm of Blog. SO what are we doing here and where will this Long Boat of a Blog take us? Wel...

    11 years ago

  • Moving over to Wordpress - I am saying goodbye to this blog and moving over to blogging all about my hobby on Wordpress. Why? Well my hobby has changed over the past couple of mo...

    11 years ago

  • "It's a fez, i wear a fez now, fezes are cool" - The crooked Dice minis sculpted by Kev White..... planning on doing the Steve B Heresy ones too...but the Amy arrived to late for the original purpose.... ...

    11 years ago

  • 4. In which Mr Royston accepts his fate and Sir Benjamin begins his tale. - The atmosphere was suddenly charged with anticipation. I saw Prince Zayed's hand resting casually on his scimitar as he stared intently at me; his thoughts...

    11 years ago

  • First unit complete, the 88th foot - The 24 figures are all Perry, the flags are Victrix. In the end it took me 2 weeks but that's only because life got in the way. As I've said, its around ...

    11 years ago

  • - HERRERO ENANO/DWARF BLACKSMITH : 9,50 € PEDIDOS/ ORDERING: *j*uzaminiaturas@gmail.com

    11 years ago

  • FLASH GORDON Space ships - http://www.hangar18fasa.com/ MONGO Within a pocket of space known as a vortex, another dimension artificially created long ago by a great empire. Beyo...

    11 years ago

  • www.jcfigures.com is LIVE! - Check out my new website. It isn't that flashy, in fact it is pretty ghetto among website standards, but I am doomed to the KISS principle. Please post sug...

    11 years ago

  • Painting Service Launched - Hi Everyone, The blog has finally been re-named and re-designed (well slightly). I am happy to annouce that I will also now be accepting painting commisio...

    11 years ago

  • 28mm terrain for AE Bounty - hello, just a progress shot of some modular terrain boards Im working on for AE BOUNTY. these are 2 out of 4 boards im working on. each is 24 b...

    11 years ago

  • New Wargame Rule Blogs - The 1813 campaign has been running for more than a year, and I am running out of space on the original blog. Over the past few months I have been making...

    11 years ago

  • Terrain: St. Kevin's Church - I have always enjoyed building terrain to battle over. In fact it was the terrain section of the 3rd edition Catachan Codex that first drew me into the hob...

    11 years ago

  • For Sale: Dwarf Army - Hello guys! I'm afraid the blog has been rather dead of late, but I am still out there. I'm currently in the middle of a long stretch of straight working d...

    11 years ago

  • Malayan Emergency - Ive posted some photos of the time my dad served in the army with the R.A in Malayia in around 1957-58. The ship that took him out to Malayia. Training ...

    11 years ago

  • Colonists - In preparation for what will hopefully be this summers campaign I have painted 4 Ground Zero Games (GZG) miniature colonists. Having found myself constantl...

    11 years ago

  • Workers Militia - Here's a shot of a couple of the workers militia for A Very British Civil War (figures by Musketeer Miniatures) that I varnished this afternoon. I think th...

    11 years ago

  • Peter Watkin's "Culloden" - *The* Battle of Culloden offers a somewhat tenuous clue to the identity of the unfortunate gentlemen referred to in my *previous post*, but is certainly re...

    11 years ago

  • French Porte-Fanions.... a little help here. - Next up for my French is another line battalion, I've started with the figures left over from my first Victrix box and I'm going to add to that greatcoated...

    11 years ago

  • Zama - Paul put in a lot of work over the last year to produce the figures for the Society of Ancients battle Day, Zama. As with Callinicum last year, we staged o...

    11 years ago

  • MY SECOND ATTACK AT THE ROMANS - The wounds received at the battle of Zama on Saturday have now healed and once again I am about to attack those pesky Romans, this time with a paint brush,...

    11 years ago

  • Ruins of Osgiliath - I haven't been too excited by much of Games Workshop's recent Lord of the Rings stuff as the further it gets from the films the less I am interested in ...

    11 years ago

  • Moving my blog - Hi !!! I have decided to move my blog to www.dalauppror.blogspot.com I hope that you all will continue to follow my blog there. Pleas sign up as a follower...

    11 years ago

  • First game of the Campaign - I have been some what slack in writing, only Scott and I have been busy preparing for the up and coming battle which will take place this coming Wednesday ...

    11 years ago

  • Iron Warriors - My first squad of straight marines. Aspiring Champion with a plasma pistol and power fist, marine with a plasma gun, and another marine with an autocannon....

    11 years ago

  • Colour Scheme Revisions - I've had a bit more of a think about the color scheme for the Eldar. I think the original scheme was a step in the right direction, but not enough. Still to...

    11 years ago

  • Painting: My painting method. - So, the method I have been using for my models is as follows: prime black fenris grey shadow grey devlan mud wash general highlight shadow grey build up to ...

    11 years ago

  • The Turks Arrive - Made you think I was working on some Empire archers, did I? Or that French Aeronef fleet? No. It was the Turks! On the far right you can see the Sult...

    11 years ago

  • Ironclad updates - Sorry guys, I do not have as much time today for research. But I was able to update a few of the Confederate Ironclads. There is a lot of conflicting data ...

    11 years ago

  • Update! - Sorry for the lack of news, everyone at TTG has been very busy with school and life in general... All of us have been working on various aspects of several...

    11 years ago

  • Greek Command Stand - This photos shows my first Greek command stand for my Spartan allies/mercenaries. All figures have been painted, varnished and glued to the base. I reall...

    11 years ago

  • Seleucid - True to my chaotic and apparently random painting tradition, I have started another army! This time its a Seleucid army I have had kicking about for a year...

    11 years ago

  • Folding back into TPC - After some discussion, I've decided that Reinforcements will find itself folded back into The Painting Corps with a bit more detail as an irregular feature...

    11 years ago

  • End of Campaign - End of Campaign The French withdrew over the river Saale and left the Russians in possession of the right bank. Despite this setback the French still con...

    11 years ago

  • - Paul has been very fast, as promised. Here are the photos of the standard bearer.

    11 years ago

  • The cruiser Powerful, revisited - If you search with Google Image Search, you will find that there are many photographs of the 1st Class Protected Cruiser Powerful online. Battleships and C...

    11 years ago

  • Pan from Studio McVey, a review - Wow, I were really happy to find a little package from the UK in my mailbox today and to find out that it was from Studio McVey. I was stunned by the mood ...

    11 years ago

  • Goals for 2010 - I have one goal for 2010: To complete my Daemons of Chaos army in time to participate in the Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge. I believe this is in July or Au...

    11 years ago

  • Progress with the rules - In the evening hours of the past weeks I have been very busy converting all the draft rules from the wiki page to a proper book format. I had been going ba...

    11 years ago

  • Moving - I'm in the process of moving over to a self hosted wordpress blog.Please update your bookmarks/feeds/whatever:http://www.flames-of-war.comThanks

    11 years ago

  • Building completion. - It's been a while since my last post, but i've been enjoying many of the other bloggs as people snap and type away. This year i've decided to be a bit more...

    11 years ago

  • Welcome ..... leave your pride at the door - Marcus fell into the line with the others of 3rd platoon. A whirlwind of nerves, excitement and wonder filled his body. His family wished for him to sta...

    11 years ago

  • Hawker Hurricane Mark 1 - What better place to start than with the aircraft that formed the main strength of Fighter Command up until as late as 1941, the Hawker Hurricane. By 7 Au...

    11 years ago

  • Zombies!!! - Inspired by this post on Big Lee's blog, I immediately asked my parents to get me this game for Christmas so we could all play it as a family! I received i...

    11 years ago

  • Apologies… - I must apologise for my lack of new content on this site for sometime now – the reason being is that i am running a online Warhammer 40,000 campaign on you...

    12 years ago

  • AT-43 Dispatch: Please Leave a Message and We Will Return Your Call... - Hey everyone and welcome to another issue of the Dispatch! Well, not really but let me explain. We just started our local Warmachine/Hordes league so I am...

    12 years ago

  • Fallschirmjaeger Kompanie, the basic platoons - Here some pictures of my German Fallschirmjaeger Kompanie, on the pics you can see the Kompanie HQ standing in the back, with their mortar and schreck team...

    12 years ago

  • Teutonic Knights - Allies - We'll its been awhile, but I have actually been painting (at my normal snail's pace). I recently finished a unit of christianized Baltic Tribesmen for use ...

    12 years ago

  • The Battle of Leon - Spanish corps approach from the east. The French are too weak to hold all of Leon. The two nearest town sections are empty, but one infantry brigade hol...

    12 years ago

  • Man o' Man.... - Ok so here's the skinny. I pretty much put painting on the backburner for the last month or so as soon as I realized that I needed to spend more time prepp...

    12 years ago

  • Combat Resolution? - *Tarot for the Day:Queen of Mandatio (Scrolls) - The Canoness* The imposition of discipline; the wisdom of authority; an obligation imposed upon us by duty...

    12 years ago

  • Shops – Hanoi, Vietnam – Thai Duong Fine Art - While on vacation, I ran across this shop in the Hoan Kiem section of Hanoi, Vietnam. The girl behind the counter was bored and playing video games, but s...

    12 years ago

  • Test Miniature - Finally I am feeling like normal human again after being sick for the past week. Here we have after a long delay the pictures of the paint scheme I am goin...

    12 years ago

  • Blood Pact looted Hydra - Well hi! It's been a while. I managed to finish my Hydra and get it painted up. It turned out better than I thought, though the barbed wire was a real pain...

    12 years ago

  • MINI WARGAMING: "Samurai on the Bench" (19 August 2009) - Hi Everyone, I can't believe that it's been nearly a year since I last posted... Life really has a way f happening when it does. Wjat have I been up to? ....

    12 years ago

  • Incursion Progress - A few free minutes here and there have allowed me to finish one half of my 3D Incursion board basic floor plan. The weird snakelike stain is actually cemen...

    12 years ago

  • Yarrrrgggghhhhh - Seems I have been snowed under with illness and the evils of higher education again! Watch this space very soon ill be posting some nice pictures.

    12 years ago

  • Marlborough - I brought Winston Churchill's biography of his most famous ancestor with me to France in an effort to finally get through it. I've managed to get most of t...

    12 years ago

  • JC IS BACK! - On the 194th Anniversary of the Battle of Quatre Bras, I wish to inform all readers that I am in the process of revamping the site and updating all my warg...

    12 years ago

  • The Duchess is Afoot: the Promise of a Long Hot Summer: Part 1 - The stalwart men of the Konigreich were today again tested by the predations of the Duchess. Near the border village of Selchow an old stone bridge became...

    12 years ago

  • WIP: Heavy Bolter Teams + Converted Cadians - Hello again guys. So... Heavy weapon teams. I have to admit, I did try the diagram I drew on my previous Planning post. It ended up rather fail - then agai...

    12 years ago

  • Alberken(Early Minifig) 20mm Napoleonic Personalities - Duke of Wellington - There were eight personality figures in this range - four British and four French. These sample figures were all painted many years ago by a very dear fr...

    12 years ago

  • Fad A La Mode? - *In which EG passes time while waiting for the off by being faddy in the comfort of the Smoking Room at his club.* *A VERSION OF THE PIECE ORIGINALLY PUB...

    12 years ago

  • Opinion - So, where do we begin with the Daemonic Codex for Warhammer 40k? Well, unlike a lot of reviews done via quick posts on forums or a mention on podcasts, I w...

    12 years ago

  • Magna-Grecia vs. Republican Romans, Basic Impetus - First photo is the battlelines closing (Greeks to the left). Second photo is the last turn. Another game under the belt, and we are starting to get some...

    12 years ago

  • ESCI Bishop - For some reason I cut off one of the panels on this sheet (???) I don't know why. Hope this is enough to help.

    12 years ago

  • Help for the Ministry of Construction - I've been looking for some buildings for my 6mm guys to fight over, without wanting to pay a fortune for them - these look like they may do the trick. And ...

    13 years ago

  • 56 Spaceships Built - Well, it has been a long time since I last posted to this blog . . . but I've now finished building and painting some 56 spaceships for Full Thrust. I've b...

    13 years ago

  • I hear voices - I am excited. I finally figured out how I could get the student's work and voice-overs onto the blog together. Apple Imovie, Itunes, and Keynote made it ha...

    13 years ago

  • Website Now Live - Hi, Just a quickie to say that my website, Darrell Hindley Figure Painter, is now live. There are still a few teething problems mainly down to my almost t...

    13 years ago

  • Painting 15mm AB - Spanish Napoleonics - Hello everyone and thank you for visiting. An article I did for the Wargames Directory( http://wdlovesme.19.forumer.com/index.php ) on painting 15mm Spanis...

    13 years ago

  • The British Ambassador's Residence in Cairo - * Lord Cromer's Room* I spent a few days in Cairo the other week running a meeting with the Egyptian Government in the British Ambassador's Residence. This...

    13 years ago

  • 'Blaue' Würzburg IR - *Inhaber* 1756 Prinz Bischof v. Würzburg *Unit History*The unit was the sister regiment to the *Rote-Würzburg* which had red (Rote) facings. The regiment ...

    13 years ago

  • What will you find here? - (last update on this blog: O5.15."14) [and probably the very last, since I'm tired of blogger raping my privacy to 'sell' me to adversiters & spammers] Apr...

    13 years ago

  • Updates... - To make updates easier,and to keep content more current, I've moved all the project data to my main blog page.. Click *here to be taken to the project! [c...

    14 years ago

  • Triarii - The Elite range has only one Triari pose - and it's a bit limited. Basically a guy kneeling down. Then I noted that the hastati and principes figures were...

    14 years ago

  • OV1 Mohawk and B57 Canberra - Two exiting recent additions to the Green Air Force are the Roden kit of the OV-1 Mohawk and the Classic Airframes kit of the B57B Caberra. Both of these ...

    14 years ago

  • - A few images of my rather nice Cannon Fodder Mahdists.

    15 years ago

  • - This Blog will form for me an area where I can drop any and all materials I put together on my Victorian Science Fiction World the Venus Kolonie. Why "Venu...

    16 years ago

Source: https://wargamesblogs.blogspot.com/

Posted by: desmonddesmondkillpackeer10265161.blogspot.com

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